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The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber on the Mind
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Sunday May 18, 2008 6:00 am Edmonton, Alberta

This page last updated on: Tuesday, May 20, 2008 4:18 PM

It is +16 C with a high forecast of +25 C. Sunrise 5:28 Sunset 21:33 Hours of daylight: 16:05

A. Morning Musings

I will begin the morning with a cup of coffee, then make a few final notes for the book "Symmetry" by Marcus du Sautoy.

I expect to do some painting later this morning as one wall needs to be redone after the workers replaced some windows in the west wall a couple of weeks ago. This should only take about an hour.

I also expect to finish reading "Late Nights on Air" today. This is a wonderfully crafted simple story which I am thoroughly enjoying.

Learning Category Planned Activities for Today Time
Literature Begin morning with a Rumi reading
Literature Complete reading "Late Nights on Air" by Elizabeth Hay
1 hr
Literature Begin reading "The Tao of Writing" by Ralph Wahlstrom
2 hr
Mathematics Make notes on "Symmetry"
2 hr
Puzzles & Games New York Times crossword puzzles
1 hr

B. Actual Learning Activities

6:30 am

Notes on Symmetry - 12

Dale Burnett
I completed reading "Symmetry" by Marcus du Sautoy yesterday afternoon. I now want to review the last 5 chapters and make a few final notes.

500 BCE
399 BCE
Thaetetus classifies the 5 regular Platonic solids in 3 dimensions: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron.  
1048 - 1131
Omar Khayyam finds geometric method for solving cubic equations.  
Leonardo Fibonacci wtote the first original book on mathematics published in Europe. It introduced Hindu-Arabic numerals and place-value notation.  
  Gutenberg invents the printing press
1452 - 1519
  Leonardo da Vinci
  Columbus discovers America
early 1500s
del Ferro, Tartaglia, Cardano, Ferrari solve cubic & quartic equations  
1564 - 1642
1642 - 1727
Isaac Newton  
1775 - 1783
  American War of Independence
1777 - 1855
Carl Friedrich Gauss  
1789 - 1799
  French Revolution
1802 - 1829
Niels Henrik Abel proves that no formula exists for equations of degree 5.  
Evariste Galois dies at age 20.  
1842 - 1899
Sophus Lie: Norwegian group theorist  

I completed reading "Symmetry" yesterday afternoon. Now to make a few notes on the last 5 chapters. It has been almost a month since I last looked at this book.

Here is my chart of symmetry readings: Each cell will corresponds to a chapter. Yellow indicates the number of chapters in the book, green indicates that I have read and made notes on the chapter. Grey indicates that I used part of the chapter. The background colors of the book titles are purple for mathematics books where one actually does the mathematics and light blue indicated books that describe what others have done. In an ideal world on each day I should be able to add at least one cell to what I have read.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23                            
Fearless Symmetry                                                                          
Abstract Algebra                                                                          
Creating Escher-type Drawings                                                                          
Handbook of Regular Patterns                                                                          
Symmetry & the Monster                                                                          
The Celtic Design Book                                                                          
Groups & Symmetry                                                                          
Groups: A Path to Geometry                                                                          
A Transition to Advanced Mathematics                                                                          
Modern Abstract Algebra                                                                          

M. du Sautoy. (2008). Symmetry.

Chapter 8 March:

That is also relevant to this web site. Although I am ostensibly writing this for myself, I am aware that a few other people are reading this and I want this to be meaningful to them as well.

This is an aside to the theme of the book but it highlights for me that I do not have a clear grasp of the concept of a transcendental number. I do have a good sense of the natural numbers, the rationals, the irrationals and the complex. I am familiar with the term transcendental but do not have a good sense of the nature of such numbers.

Googling "transcendental number" gives the following web sites:

This is the key point of Galois's contribution to mathematics.

I still do not really understand the logic of this statement.

One of my goals is to understand enough group theory to genuinely understand why this statement is true.

We understand so very little about what a learner at any age is really understanding. Yet without such an understanding it will be difficult to determine what should be said or done next to facilitate a greater understanding of the topic.

Since this seems to be so difficult, perhaps we should shift our emphasis to that of supporting self-initiated and self-motivated activities so the individual learner can better direct their own learning.

For me, this is the most important chapter in the entire book.

The remainder of the book is primarily about the quest to identify all of the possible different symmetries.

Chapter 9 April: Sounding Symmetry

The fabric book cover for this book incorporates the same principle!

Maybe. But maybe it should also apply to the arts.

Chapter 10 May: Exploitation

Chapter 11 June: Sporadic

What a fantastic idea!

Chapter 12 July: Reflections

I like the title of this chapter.


I remain committed to learning more of the real details of group theory and how it applies to symmetry.

du Dautoy mentions on page 263 a book that "explains the mathematical language of symmetry: A Group Theory Primer" but fails to give a specific reference. I will try to email him when I return home and post this web page on the server.

Tags: mathematics, symmetry

10:30 am

Late Nights on Air

Elizabeth Hay

This is a great Canadian novel. Not an epic story, but a very personal and a very realistic novel.

Hay writes perfectly for the story she tells. The prose fits the characters and the characters are superbly crafted. One feels that one knows them as one knows a close friend.

More surprising is the degree to which one feels that one also knows Judge Berger, even though he is never actually in the novel.

The canoe trip brought back many personal memories of our shorter (only a week long instead of 6 weeks) trips into northern Ontario in May after the semester at Queen's University was over.

I would rate this as a full 5 out of 5.

Tags: novel, Canada

12:30 PM

A very good beginning to the day. Some math, the ending of a great novel, and the painting of an interior wall that had been damaged by contractors installing new windows.

I have selected my next book: "The Tao of Writing" by Ralph Wahlstrom. After a lyrical journey through Canada's arctic, I am primed for a Taoist book.

Books on the Go Today
see below


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