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The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber on the Mind
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Thursday January 3, 2008 5:20 am Lethbridge, Alberta

It is -6 C with a high forecast of +6 C. Sunrise 8:28 Sunset 16:43 Hours of daylight: 8:15

A. Morning Musings

I have, and not for the first time, hit a major difficulty organizing my books. It began simply enough as an attempt to create a Literature web site. But then I decided to see if I could expand this to include all of my books. I began by considering the books I have that could easily be categorized as History books. I identified 5 books that I have read and 36 that I have not yet read. And I am sure that I have more History books to consider.

One obvious thought is to do a cull. There are already more books here than I can possibly read. On the other hand, all of the titles are still of interest to me. It is nice to have them available in the event that I decide to read one of them when the mood seizes me. But this leads to the much larger problem of all my books. I have a similar, and in some cases a much larger number of books in areas such as Mathematics, Science, Philosophy and even Trains.

Meanwhile I have lost sight of the original objective of organizing my Literature books. Taking the basic idea that I have used for the History books, I could create two lists, one of the books I have read and the second of the books I hope to read. I could also create a series of sub-categories using Country of author's nationality. Coming full circle, I could also create a series of sub-categories for my History books.

Learning Category Planned Activities for Today Time
Drawing Complete Jan 2 calendar watercolor activity 1 hr
Model Trains Clean mainline track; inspect for trouble spots,; program 6700 1 hr
Literature Continue reading "The Tender Bar" by Moehringer 1 hr
Technology Continue "Wikinomics" by Tapscott 1 hr
Technology Design structure for Literature web site 1 hr
Technology Examine some mass collaborative web sites 1 hr

B. Actual Learning Activities

5:50 am

Looking at my History books, I can easily form a few sub-categories based on geography:

My first reaction is one of delight. I have finally created a structure that captures my particular interest in History. There is nothing profound in the above, but it does provide me with a framework where I can explicitly recognize where I am in the structure when I am reading a particular book. One obvious gap is the lack of a book on Russian history.

8:30 am

While waiting for the dentist I read a few more pages from "Wikinomics". I now realize that I need to bring myself up to speed with a number of new web sites. I have had a quick look at Boing Boing and Craphound (both blogs about technology) and del.icio.us (social bookmarks). I am not sure about this latter site yet, but I just saw a link to a web page on mathematics textbooks, notes and tutorials - http://users.ictp.it/~stefanov/mylist.html - all available for free download! This led to another web page where there are three books available for download. One of these books is on Number Theory by Leo Moser. I once had him for a instructor for 6 weeks when our instructor was ill. He was fantastic!

Delicious has a link to its most popular pages, one of which was Web 2.0. I clicked on that and saw this link:


From this site I learned about Firefox 3.0 (beta) which I immediately downloaded and installed. This has been an exhilarating hour!

9:00 PM

We have just finished watching the DVD "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix". The special effects were there but I found the story line to be fairly linear. I did not enjoy this as much as the earlier Harry Potter movies.

Earlier in the day we did our hour walk, then went to Smitty's for lunch. We then visited a hardware store and bought a fluorescent light fixture that I plan to attach above our kitchen sink tomorrow. I did find time to continue reading "The Tender Bar" which I am enjoying but failed to carry out my exercises. I really must not let this slide. I am also having difficulty keeping up the schedule of the watercolor calendar. I did make substantial progress at reviewing my history books and identifying a number to donate to the local library.


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