Thursday April 19, 2007 6:05 am Lethbridge Sunrise 6:32 Sunset 20:29 Hours of daylight: 13:57 A. Morning Musings
B. Plan
C. Actual/Note 6:20 am I have a coffee meet at 8 this morning. That is always something to look forward to. The weather is still not conducive to walking, but I may force the issue as I need the exercise. But the day is beginning as dull and overcast. 12:20 PM I have put 2 hours into updating my bird database for February 12 - 14. All of the birds in iPhoto for those three dates have now been tentatively identified. The images have yet to be transferred to the web page for February 14, but the bird watching web pages for February 12 and February 13 are now complete. 12:35 PM Here are two more photos showing the beginning of the spring activity of the May tree in our backyard. There has been a light rain all morning, which is preferable to snow.
D. Reflection