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Thursday February 22, 2007 A Three Week Visit to the Yucatan in Mexico - Day 11

This morning we got another early start and began the return journey back to our unit at San Bruno. We drove through a number of small villages and visite more Mayan ruins. We viewed a large church at Sta. Elena and some interesting ruins at Kabah, where Phyllis and Mary Ann bought some very attractive Mexican dolls. Larry and I watched a wood carver but didn't buy anything. They were very well made, but we couldn't see where we could put it in our homes. We had been told that we might see some Toucans (which would have been very nice) at Chaemultin but when we arrived the person there said there were no toucans in that area. At that point we realized that Larry had lost his Mexican bird book. We retraced our path but couldn't find it. We were back at San Bruno at 5:30 PM, a little discouraged as the bird book is essential for identifying new birds.

A. Best 10 Mayan ruin images

Ruins at Kabah
Ruins at Kabah
Ruins at Kabah
Ruins at Kabah
Ruins at Kabah
Ruins at Kabah
Ruins at Labna
Ruins at Labna

B. Best 6 tourist images

Pool at Club Med
Church at Sta. Elena
Church at Sta. Elena
Woolen dolls
Wood carver
Lunch at a roadside restaurant

C. Birdwatching

Here is the link for today's birdwatching activities.