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Wednesday February 21, 2007 A Three Week Visit to the Yucatan in Mexico - Day 10

This morning we got an early start and drove to Uxmal, considered to be one of the "must see" Mayan ruins. We were on-site by 9:30 am, with the whole day in front of us. The ruins were fantastic! We stayed overnight at a Club Med that was just outside the main entrance to the ruins. The pool was much larger than the one in our unit, and it gave us a good opportunity to cool off in the late afternoon. There were some good moments for bird watching as well. A great 2-day trip!

A. Best 10 Mayan ruin images

Main pyramid
Front (?) view
Back view
Ball court hoop
Close-up of stonework
Another structure
Another structure

B. Best 4 tourist images

Afternoon break at Club Med
Club Med
Artisan stall outside main entrance
Shopping for blouses

C. Birdwatching

Here is the link for today's birdwatching activities.