Grammar Essentials 2: Parts of Speech (Word Classes)

Words are different from each other in meaning—car and unwelcome mean different things, after all.
But they can also differ from each other in more than meaning: they can also differ in the way they are used in sentences.
Thus sentences can be about a word like car more easily than they can be about a word like unwelcome:
- Cars are on the road
- *Unwelcomes are on the road1
With a word like car, we also can talk about one or more examples: a car is here, cars are here. We can describe its qualities using other words like red, fast, or good: “red cars are here”, “fast cars are here”, “good cars are here”. And a word like car can be said to possess things: the car’s tires, cars’ steering wheels
None of this is true of a word like unwelcome. But unwelcome can be used in ways a word like car cannot: it can be used to describe qualities of other words (The unwelcome news, This news was unwelcome, vs. *The car news or [*This news was car); it can be made more intense using words like very or really (it was very unwelcome, vs. *It was very car).
The real test, of course, is that the two words can’t be switched in a sentence. We couldn’t replace car with unwelcome in the example above, and it is impossible2 to replace unwelcome with car in this following sentence:
- That was really unwelcome news.
- That was really *car news.
It is possible, on the other hand, to replace car and unwelcome with other words, even if the meaning of the new words is nothing like that of the words they replace:
- Bartenders are on the road.
- That was really good news.
So why can car be replaced by bartender and not unwelcome or good? And why can unwelcome be replaced by good but not bartender or car?
The answer is that car and bartender, on the one hand, and unwelcome and good, on the other, are different types of words. As we will learn, car and bartender show in normal use most of the properties we associate with nouns while unwelcome and good show in normal use most of the properties we associate with adjectives. The fact that you can replace car with bartender and unwelcome with good shows that you can replace nouns with nouns and adjectives with adjectives more easily than you can replace words of one type with words of a different type.
This tutorial explores this property in greater depth. Traditionally, word classes have been distinguished on semantic grounds (e.g. “Nouns are the names of person places or things”; “verbs are action words”). As this tutorial will demosntrate, these traditional definitions, while not usually wrong, are often quite ambiguous. This is because the class a word belongs to is largely a question of syntax rather than meaning, especially given the ease with which English can move words from one class to another without any change in morphological form.
By the end of this tutorial you should be able to distinguish among word classes confidently.
Previous: Inflections (inflectional morphology) | Next: Grammatical relations
Words and Phrases
If we continue testing like this, we will also soon discover not only that some words are more easily exchanged with one other than with others, but also that individual words can be used to replace entire groups of closely connected words (and vice versa). For example, the word bartenders can replace more than cars in the following sentences; it also can replace entire groups of closely connected words involving cars—groups like the cars, the blue cars, and even the blue cars that sold so well last year:
- Cars are on the road
- The cars are on the road
- The blue cars are on the road
- The blue cars that sold so well last year are on the road
- Bartenders are on the road.
On the other hand, we still can’t use unwelcome to replace cars:
- Cars are on the road.
- *Unwelcomes are on the road.
If we experiment, we will see that we can’t replace just any group of words using bartender: the words need to be somehow more closely related to each other than any other part of the sentence and involve a word like car. In the following sentence, for example, we can use bartenders to replace the blue cars, but not blue cars are on:
- The blue cars are on the road
- Bartenders are on the road
- The blue cars are on the road
- *The bartenders road3.
Clearly there is something about the words the blue cars that makes us think of them as being more closely connected to each other than to anything else in the sentence. And just as the fact that we can replace car with bartender but not unwelcome in the sentences above suggests that there must be something similar about car and bartender, so to the fact that we can use bartenders to replace cars and groups of closely related words like the cars or the blue cars suggests that there must be something similar about the single word cars and these particular combinations of words.
As we shall discover, combinations of closely connected words that behave in much the same way as individual words are known as Phrases. As we define the different types of words below, we will see that each type of word has an associated type of phrase to which many of the same rules apply. This principle will become very important when we come to talk about how sentences are made.
Open and Closed Word Classes
Another difference that separates words is the question of how easy or difficult it is to make up new examples. If I want to replace car or cars in the above sentences with a new word that I will make up myself—say slipshlup—I can do so very easily:
- Cars are on the road
- Slipshlups are on the road
- The cars are on the road
- The slipshlups are on the road
- The blue cars are on the road
- The blue slipshlups are on the road
- The blue cars that sold so well last year are on the road
- The blue slipshlups that sold so well last year are on the road
- Bartenders are on the road.
Likewise, it is not hard to make up a word like unwelcome. How about griopy?
- That was really unwelcome news.
- That was really griopy news.
But if it easy to make up new words parallel to cars and unwelcome, it is much harder—impossible, in fact—to make up replacements for words like the, and, but or he, she, and it. For example, try repeating the following sentence with the following made-up words: hin for the, roop for and, and fries for she.
- The cars and the boats were on the road, but they were not for sale, she said.
Doesn’t make much sense, does it?
The Parts of Speech/Word Classes
If we compare English words in the way discussed above3, we will discover that it is possible to divide words and closely associated groups of words like them into eight main types, known as the parts of speech or word classes (a minor ninth category contains interjections. like “oh dear!” and “damn!” and is not discussed further in this tutorial). We will also discover that these Word Classes themselves fall into two larger groups based on whether or not we can easily add new examples: the Open Class contains word classes that we easily can add to—nouns, adjectives, most types of verbs, and adverbs; the Closed or Structure Class contains words, like prepositions, pronouns, conjunctions, most determiners, and some adverbs, to which we can not add easily:
Class | Word Class | Examples |
Open Class | Nouns | car, bartender, experience |
Adjectives | unwelcome, good, big, blue | |
Verbs | run, glide, listen, jog | |
Adverbs | quickly, well, sometimes, badly | |
Closed Class | Determiners | the, this, mine, Susan’s |
Prepositions | up, underneath, on, with | |
Pronouns | I, they, mine, each, these | |
Conjunctions | and, but, if, because |
Open Classes
Nouns and Noun Phrases
Nouns are naming words. Traditionally they are defined as the names of persons, places, and things, but their actual range is much broader: they can name ideas, moods, and feelings (e.g. neoconservatism, anger, and affection); actions (the hiking), or pretty much anything else known or unknown (e.g. Slipshlup, above).
Fortunately, given how hard it can be to define them by what they describe, nouns and noun phrases can be defined relatively easily by their form and the contexts in which they appear. In particular they show one or more of the following unique features:
- Nouns are the only words that use “apostrophe s” (i.e. ‘s or s’) to show possession. In the following sentence, we know that Dave, Neoconservatism, and anger are all nouns because they indicate possession by adding -‘s: Dave’s book, Neoconservatism’s origins, anger’s solution.
- Nouns are the only words that can be modified by adjectives: blue cars, unwelcome news, clever Sally.
- Nouns are the only words that can be made plural by adding -s: DVD : DVDs, cup : cups, theology : theologies.
- Nouns are the only words that can be pointed to by determiners. Determiners, as we will see below, are words such as the and a, that and this, and possessives such as his or Brigette’s that point out specific instances of a noun, e.g. the boat, a slipshlup, that hiking, Brigette’s DVD, his anger.
- Nouns and Noun Phrases are the only words that can be replaced by a pronoun: The deer grazed quietly at the side of the road : It grazed quietly at the side of the road
Other tests are not entirely exclusive, for example:
- Nouns and pronouns are the only words that can function as the subject of a sentence: The car ran through the red light : It ran through the red light.
It is important to realise in applying these tests that not all words will fit all categories. Some nouns do not form their plural with -s, for example: e.g. child : children; sheep : sheep. What is important is that one or more of these tests be true.
Verbs are traditionally defined as “action words.” Even more than with nouns, however, this definition fails to cover more than a narrow range of possible examples or rule out obvious counter-examples. While some verbs do express action (e.g. she hit the wall with a hammer), others do not (e.g. I am the king, he knows his baseball). Moreover, actions can also be named by nouns: This hiking is very hard; I don’t like all this hitting).
Like nouns, verbs can be defined more accurately on grammatical criteria. Particularly useful ones include:
- Verbs are the only words that show tense (i.e. past or present): he loves cheesecake : he loved cheesecake; I drive fast : I drove fast.
- Verbs are the only words that indicate third person singular, present by adding -s at the end: I drive, he drives
- Verbs are the only words that can be made into participles (i.e. adjective forms) using the endings -ed, -en, or -ing: I love : loving : loved; They drive : driving : driven
Verb Phrases include the verb plus all objects and modifiers. These can get quite large. One test for some verb phrases is replacement by do in questions designed to be answered with “yes” or “no”.
- Bobbi loves getting presents in the morning, does she?
In asking the question “does she”, the speaker is summing up the whole idea “loves getting presents in the morning” by a single form of do. This shows that “loves getting presents in the morning” is a Verb Phrase.
Adjectives describe qualities to nouns. One easy test, though it is also true of adverbs, is placing very or really in front:
- Adjectives and adverbs are the only words that can be made more intense by adding very or really in front: the really fast car was very red
Here are some tests that are only true of adjectives:
- Adjectives are the only words that can have endings to indicate that something is more or most in relation to some quality: the fast car was red : the faster car was green : the fastest car was blue. Of course some adjectives don’t use -er and/or -est: more unwelcome not *unwelcomer; best nor goodest.
- Adjectives and adjective phrases are the only words that can appear between determiners (like the, a, or possessives) and nouns: the fast car, Dave’s really nice cake, a very sad clown.
Adverbs are traditionally described as words that modify verbs. In fact there are three different kinds of adverbs, each of which can be distinguished by context.
Intensifying adverbs
Intensifying adverbs are words like very that are used to qualify adjectives and other adverbs. They do not qualify verbs directly: his very angry cousin vs. *he very jumps. Some intensifying adverbs can be used with slightly different meaning to modify verbs: he skates really fast, he really skates.
Sentence adverbs
Sentence adverbs qualify sentences and clauses: Unfortunately, the boat sank; I don’t want to, however; then he knew for sure.
Verbal adverbs
Verbal adverbs qualify verbs: He jumped quickly, he wrote well. Like adjectives, they can be intensified by words like very: she drove very quickly, Beatrice cooks really well.
Closed class words
Determiners are words that are used to point out specific instances of a noun. They include the articles (a, the), demonstratives (this/these, that/those), and all possessive nouns and pronouns (this means that a form like Dave’s in Dave’s book is both a noun and a determiner).
The test for determiners is very straightforward:
- Determiners precede nouns and any qualifying adjectives. The first word in each of the following phrases is a determiner: the book, the large book, Dave’s really ugly book, my car, my sister’s car (in this last example, both my and my sister’s are determiners: my points to sister and my sister’s points to car).
Prepositions serve to connect nouns or noun phrases (e.g. cars or the car) to a clause or sentence. Examples include up a mountain, down the street, with friends, beside him, without a wooden paddle.
In English, there are a relatively small number of simple prepositions, such as up, down, with. There are also a number of phrasal or compound prepositions, especially in spoken English: outside of the English, apart from Dave’s cat, round and round the mountain.
Many of the prepositions can be memorised. Otherwise, prepositions can be recognised by their syntactic context:
- Prepositions are always followed by noun phrases (i.e. nouns with any associated determiners and adjectives, or pronouns) that serve as their objects5.
Pronouns are words that can substitute for nouns or noun phrases. Examples include personal pronouns like she/her, I/me/my, they/them/their; demonstratives like this/these, that/those; and other forms, such as each, none, and one:
- My sister is here. She wants to talk to you.
- The green carrots are probably rotten. I wouldn’t eat them.
- My books are here. These over here are yours.
- The members of the committee were awstruck. None had expected this.
Because pronouns replace nouns, they can be identified using some of the same tests. In particular,
- Pronouns (with nouns) are the only words that can serve as the subject of a sentence: he ran the country; she scored five goals; it was hit by a train.
- Pronouns (with nouns) are the only words that can serve as the object of a verb or preposition: outside this, with him, she cut it.
- Pronouns (with nouns) are the only words that can take a possessive inflection—though unlike nouns, the possessive is never ‘s or s’ and rarely s: my books, your garage, her cannon, his snow shovel6.
Conjunctions are used to join grammatical units. Unlike prepositions, which join nouns or noun phrases to sentences, conjunctions always join elements of a similar kind: nouns and noun phrases to other nouns and noun phrases, verbs to verbs, adjectives to adjectives: it is raining cats and dogs (noun to noun); I neither pushed nor pulled (verb to verb); I went out because he didn’t come in (clause to clause).
The following exercises test you on your ability to apply the above material. The real test of your knowledge of grammar is not whether you are able to memorise terms and definitions, but whether you can supply examples and describe real-life sentences.
1. Place each word in the following sentence in its Word Class using the above tests. Which Word Class(es) is or are missing?:
Over the mountain lived a former mechanic. Suzy forgets his name.
2. When Hamlet says that bad acting “out-herods Herod” (Hamlet, III.ii), meaning to rage and rant, he is using a proper name for a verb. What tests can we use to show that out-herods is a verb?
3. Although it is impossible for individuals to create new Closed or Structure Class words, the English language has acquired new pronouns over the course of its history: the entire plural pronoun system they, them, their comes from Old Norse (the original English version was hie, hira and him); she is of unknown origin (the original was heo).
Can you suggest some reasons why it is possible for languages to add or change such words but not for individuals?
1 An asterisk (i.e. *) in front of a word or group of words means “This word or group of words is not something people would say”. An explanation mark (i.e. !) in front of a word or a group of words means “It is doubtful that this is something people would say” or “People might say this, but only in special circumstances”
2 “Impossible” may seem too definite at first. In fact it is almost always possible to think of a situation in which a grammatical rule might be shown to be wrong: for example, let’s say we were talking about a band called “The Unwelcome“—then they probably could replace car in our example sentences.
As a rule, however, you should always be suspicious of counter-examples that require you to create a “back-story” to explain the conditions under which an exception might work. The fact that you need a story to explain the context is evidence that the counter-example is very unusual in normal speech.
3 You could say “The bartenders’ road” or “The bartender’s road”, but that would not really count, since cars in the original sentence did not have an “apostrophe s.” In the starting sentence, cars was plural, not possessive or plural possessive.
4 Traditionally, students learned to categorise the parts of speech on the basis of meaning. For example, nouns were said to be “the name of a person, place, or thing,” while verbs were described as “action words.” While there is some truth to these definitions in many cases, the distinctions break down very easily in others. The fighting is a noun, even though it describes an action; is, on the other hand, is a verb, even though it describes a state.
Since words are a feature of grammar, the method used here attempts to identify them on the basis of their grammatical properties: the roles they can play in the sentence, the inflections they can take, how they can be converted from one part of speech to another.
5 “Always”, except in poetry, where they can sometimes follow the words they connect to the sentence.
6 This rule—pronouns never end in apostrophe -s—might be useful in helping you avoid the common stylistic/prescriptive grammar error of using it’s (actually the abbreviation for it is) in your writing instead of the possessive form, its. In speaking, of course, you can’t hear any difference.
Previous: Inflections (inflectional morphology)

Comment [10]
Sam (Mon Jan 22, 2007 (07:46:43)) [PermLink]: Great effort, Thanks a lot.
Why don’t you post an answer key?
alysssa mae cañizares (Fri Feb 2, 2007 (06:40:13)) [PermLink]: can i ask for sentences that use the word “rage” as a noun, verb, adverb… i beg you… i need to have atleast 10 sentences for each…
i’m hoping for your consideration…elmar baluyot (Tue Jun 19, 2007 (00:36:34)) [PermLink]: thnak you po
day (Wed Aug 22, 2007 (11:13:18)) [PermLink]: the word “ all” is fall under what categories of parts of speech?
marie (Fri Sep 14, 2007 (18:54:30)) [PermLink]: what does “part.” stand for because i know it is a part of speech (Sun Mar 2, 2008 (18:30:14)) [PermLink]: In the sentence: Like you, I am an orphan, what part of speech is the word “Like”
Flor de Maria Ayala (Wed Jul 9, 2008 (11:30:00)) [PermLink]: This the best help ever!Thanks a lot! I would like to have examples of tree diagrams of inflectional verbs and adjectives. Once again, Thanksssss!
dan (Sat Dec 20, 2008 (10:56:00)) [PermLink]: USMAN: The tests are inherently comparative: a word is a noun if it fits the tests for noun and a verb if it fits the test for verb. Look at question 2 in the exercises, and compare “out-herods” against “Herod.”
I recommend to my students that they memorise one or two simple words and sentences in which they know how each word works against the tests and which part of speech it is (the examples I use above are good simple ones you could use). Then when you are in doubt about what part of speech a new form is, you compare it against the words you’ve memorised until you find the one it is most like.
abc (Fri Apr 10, 2009 (02:50:35)) [PermLink]: boring
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