Member of Search Committee for Vice President Academic – Provost, 2006-7.
    Member of Presidential Review Committee, 2003-04.

C             Coordinator of Agricultural Studies Program, University of Lethbridge, 1996-97.


C             Research Director, Excellence in the Pacific Research Institute, University of Lethbridge, 1995-present.


C             Acting Chair, Economics Department, University of Lethbridge, 1985-86.


C             Head, Economics research unit, Agriculture Canada Research Station, Lethbridge, 1979-81.


C             University Budget Committee 1998-2001.


C             School of Graduate Studies Council, 2000-


C             President's Advisory Group on University Planning, 1990.


C             Chair of Agriculture Committee to develop an instructional program in agricultural studies at the University of Lethbridge, 1985-86, 1989-91; prepared Access funding proposal 1995, developed implementation procedures in cooperation with officials at University of Lethbridge, Olds College and Lethbridge Research Centre.


C             General Faculties Council, 1990-91.


C             General Faculty Council Committees

-  Research Committee (Chair), 1994-96

-  SSHRC Committee, 1994-96, 2003-05

-  Council on Graduate Studies, 1990-92

-  Convocation Committee, 1989-92, 1998-2001

-  Library Committee, 1993-94

-  Task Force on Library Acquisitions, 1994

-  Special Degrees Committee, 1983-85


C             Arts and Science Committees

-  Committee on Liberal Education, 1995-97

-  Planning Committee, 1984-86, 1994-96 (Chair 1995-96)

-  Ad Hoc Administrative Structures Advisory Committee, 1994-95

- Agricultural Biotechnology Advisory Committee, 2003-5; 2005-7.

-  Search Committees

History Department, 1982

Anthropology Department, 1983

Economics Department, 1986, 1998, 2001-07

Management Faculty, 1989, 1990

Geography Department, 1990

-  Salary, Tenure and Promotion Committees

Arts and Science Faculty 2001, 2002, 2005

Modern Languages Department, 1995

Economics Department, 1986, 1990, 1999, 2001, 2004, 2007

English Department, 1988

Management Faculty, 1990, 1991

Geography Department, 1991

Biology Department, 1994

Native American Studies, 1997

-  Chair Selection Committees

Economics Department, 1996, 1998


C             University of Lethbridge Faculty Association Committees

-  Study Leave Relocation Committee, 1995-97

-  Academic Welfare Committee, 1984-86, 1991.


C             Professional Associations

- Member of the Editorial Board of Estey Centre Journal of International Law and Trade Policy, 1999-

- Member of Fellow=s Selection Committee, CAES, 2001.

- Councillor and Membership Director, Canadian Agricultural Economics Society, 1998-2001.

- Book review editor, Can. J. Agric. Econ., 1995-98.

- Councillor of Western Agric. Econ. Assoc., 1990-95.

- Executive member, Alberta Agricultural Economics Advisory Committee, 1979-87, Vice-chairman 1984-87.

- Councillor of Canadian Agricultural Economics and Farm Management Society, 1983-85.

- Chairman of Awards Committee, CAEFMS, 1983-85.

- Technical Committee, Saskatchewan Drought Studies, 1983-85.

- Member of CAES committee to judge MSc Theses in 1978, 1984, 1985, 1990.




C             External Examiner 

- PhD candidate Justin To, University of Guelph, July 2006

- PhD candidate Mohammad Mahbobi, University of Saskatchewan, June 2003.

- Tenure candidate Dr. Kevin Chen, University of Alberta, October 2000.

- PhD candidate Bradley Stennes, University of British Columbia, September 2000.

-  MA candidate Marni Plunkett, University of Calgary, December 1999.

-  MA candidate Irene Wong, Simon Fraser University, August 1996.

-  M.Ec. candidate Revadee Yampoin, University of Calgary, May 1996.

-  MA candidate Pamela Forgie-Thomson, University of Calgary, April 1996.

-  PhD candidate, Habibollah Salami, University of Alberta, January 1996.

-  MA candidate Patricia Clay, University of Calgary, December 1995.

-  MA candidate Blair Shewchuk, University of Calgary, April 1991.

-  MA candidate Jill Hobbs, University of Calgary, November 1990.

-  MA candidate Leonie Marks, University of Calgary, Sept. 1990.

-  PhD candidate Ali Rahuma, University of Alberta, April 1989.

-  PhD candidate Devi Datt Tewari, University of Saskatchewan, December 1986.


C             Organized Conferences

- Organized and chaired a symposium on Agricultural Policy, Trade and the Environment held at the University of Lethbridge October 10, 2003.

-  Beef Export Opportunities in the Pacific Rim:  Competition, Constraints and Cooperation.  Canada West Foundation, Calgary, Alta., Mar. 29-30, 1990.

-  Canadian agriculture - Facing a new trading environment, Lethbridge Lodge Hotel, March 1988.

- Economic Perspectives - 1985, a symposium on economic issues of importance to southern Albertans, The University of Lethbridge, November 28-29, 1985.

-  Economics of Agricultural Research in Canada, Lethbridge Lodge Hotel, September 1983.


C             Organized Principal Papers sessions at professional meetings:

- Co-organized a Principal Paper session at the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference, Portland Oregon, July 2007, entitled Managing Water Scarcity – The Role of Economic Instruments.

- Co-organized a Principal Paper session at the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference, Portland Oregon, July 2007, entitled The Economic Impact of Ethanol Development in North America.

- Co-organized a Principal Paper session at the Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference, San Francisco, July 2005, entitled Emerging Water Policy Issues: Examples From Around the World.

- Bio-energy in North America: Problems, Policies, and Potential.  Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference, Halifax, June 2004.

- Issues and Priorities for Water Use and Supply in the Semi-arid Ecosystem.  Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Conference, Montreal, July 2003.

- Adoption of Agricultural and Agro-Forestry Technologies in Asia.  Canadian Agricultural Economics Society Annual Meeting, June 1-3, 2000.

-  Meat Exports to the Pacific Rim:  A New Trading Environment, Joint Annual Meeting, Amer. Agric. Econ. Assoc. and Can. and Agric. Econ. Farm Mgt. Society, Vancouver, B.C., Aug. 1990.

-  Regional models for policy analysis in North American agriculture, Amer. Agric. Econ. Assoc. annual meeting, East Lansing, Michigan, August 2-5, 1987.

    Member of development committee for establishment of the North American Institute for Beef Economics Research (NAIBER) and Canadian co-ordinator of NAIBER 2005-__.
    Member of R & D Advisory Council in the area of Agricultural Greenhouse Gas Management for BIOCAP Canada 2002-2003.
    Member of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada=s Scientist Promotion Review Committee to review nine candidates for SE-RES-05 level in Research Branch, Calgary, 2001.

C             Escorted University of Lethbridge students to Japan on exchange program, 1991.


C             Chairman of Session I Workshop, CAEFMS Workshop, Saskatoon, Sask., August 1983.


C             Given guest lectures on economics of pest control to students in masters of Pest Management program at Simon Fraser University annually from 1979 to 2001 as well as to students enrolled in the Western College of Veterinary Medicine in Saskatoon in 1979.


C             Conducted approximately 20 training workshops involving farmers and extension personnel using farm management simulation models.


C             Analyzed and presented a report on forage improvement and handling practises on a Claresholm, Alberta ranch for a banker's workshop sponsored by the Foothills Forage Cooperative Association, 1978.