English 3601a: Chaucer (Essay Topics)

Write a short essay (approx. 1800 words) on one or more of the shorter poems we have covered this year (Adam the Scribe, Parliament of Fowls, Book of the Duchess). You may supplement these texts with additional texts of your choosing from Chaucer’s canon.
Your essay should conform to my style sheet and other policies as noted on this website. Please note that I am particularly strict regarding bibliographic format, correct documentation, and proof-reading. There are very severe penalties for failure to adhere to my standards in these areas.
- Chaucer’s poem to Adam his scribe represents an insight into a culture—a manuscript culture—that is now far removed from our own. Write a research essay examining how Chaucer’s texts were disseminated in his day and/or how this affects our understanding of his texts.
- Chaucer’s poem to Adam is one of several occasional poems in his corpus of poetry. Comparing two or more of Chaucer’s occasional poems, or comparing Chaucer to a well-known modern occasional poet such as W.C. Williams, write an essay on Chaucer and the personal.
- The Parliament of Fowls almost certainly refers to a historic event. Discuss this poem as satire.
- The Parliament of Fowls and the Book of the Duchess are classic examples of the Chaucerian dream vision. Research the dream vision as genre and write an essay discussing one or both of these poems in light of the tradition from which they draw.
- Discuss the Book of the Duchess as a poem of solace.
- Research work on communication in the Book of the Duchess. Write an essay discussing the nature of the dreamer and the knight’s conversation.