English 3450a: Translation Portfolio

For this assignment, you are to submit two modern English translations: a translation of a section of text from one of the readings translated in class (a prepared text), and a second translation of a section of text from a reading not covered in class (a sight text).
Prepared Text
Please choose a section of approximately 100 lines (± 10%) from any of the texts we have translated in class, except texts 1a through 1c. Translate your selection into idiomatic modern English English prose, noting any places where you have significantly changed the constructions of vocabulary.
Sight Text.
Please choose a section of approximately 25 lines (± 5%) from a text in Mitchell and Robinson that we have not translated in class (list of texts TBA). Translate your selection into idiomatic modern English English prose, noting any places where you have significantly changed the constructions of vocabulary.
This is a summative assignment worth 25% of your final grade. The purpose is to assess and reward you for the work you have put into the daily translations in this course by reflecting its quality in your final grade.
As always in this class, your translation is being used as a proxy for direct evidence of how well you understand the original Old English, rather than evidence of how good a Modern English prose stylist you are. Of course a well turned translation that accurately indicates comprehension of the the Old English is better than a poorly turned phrase.
For this assignment I will be using my standard rubric for grading translations. Since this is a portfolio, however, I will be rewarding particularly highly translations that pay attention to Modern English idiom while remaining sensitive to the underlying Old English.
Due dates, etc.
- Due: Last class (Wednesday, December 3rd, 2008).
- Format: Please type your translations and provide a photocopy of the passages you are translating. Your portfolio should conform to all applicable aspects of my standard style sheet. In particular, please use a title page, do not put your name anywhere else in the portfolio, and double space your work.