Blog Assignment

For this assignment, you are to write a weekly blog discussing some aspect of your work on this course. The blog is to be written in Moodle and, unless otherwise instructed, to be posted before midnight on the day before the week’s first class (in the case of Monday-Wednesday-Friday classes, this means you must submit your blog before midnight on Sunday; for a Tuesday-Thursday class, your blog must be submitted before midnight on Monday; for once a week classes, the blog must be submitted before midnight on the day before the class meets).
Writing a blog is not the same as writing an essay. A blog entry is a personal reflection on your reading and work: it can involve a brief personal essay, links to one or more interesting and relevant websites with a brief explanation as to why the links are being posted, or it can involve a long critique of a specific author or series of authors. Blog entries can even comment on other entries by other members of the class.
I ask you to keep a blog both because this helps create a community within the class and because I want you to remain engaged with your reading actively and consistently throughout the course. Students who write more than one blog entry in a week will receive bonus marks.
In grading this assignment I will be looking for consistency of effort. Not every blog entry needs to be a masterpiece, but I do want to see real thought and effort over the course of the year. Blog entries that are submitted on time and show reasonable effort will receive a grade of 1. Blog entries that are late or are written consistently in a manner that suggests lack of effort, will receive a grade of 0. At the end of the semester, your score will be a straight average of your completed blogs minus your late or incomplete ones.