3601: Seminar leadship

Ever student will be expected to help lead a seminar on a topic of their choosing. In most cases, they will share their seminar time with other students (though you may work alone if you choose). Students should aim for a total length of about 30 minutes (including all presentations), although considerable flexibility is allowed.
Exactly how you lead you seminar is up to you. You can read an analytic paper, teach a class, present exercises, show a video. The point of the exercise is to give you a chance to research and teach some aspect of the topic scheduled for class that week (teaching is the best way to learn something) and to give your colleagues a chance to hear and respond to informed student opinion.
Your seminar leadship is part of your formative grade, but it will also be given a letter grade. An excellent seminar will be well-prepared and researched, informative, and provoke discussion, questions, or other indications of interest. Things like confident presentation, high quality aids such as slide shows, handouts, exercises (if used), and careful timing are also evidence of excellence.