Sample badges

These are draft proposals for one or more badges that could be used by websites to identify themselves as using TEI XML. Do not use these in a production environment!

Posted: Dec 08, 2008 13:12;
Last Modified: Dec 08, 2008 14:12
These are draft proposals for one or more badges that could be used by websites to identify themselves as using TEI XML. Do not use these in a production environment!
Our University’s Blackfoot name is Iniskim, meaning Sacred
Buffalo Stone.
The University is located in traditional Blackfoot Confederacy territory.
We honour the Blackfoot
people and their traditional ways of knowing in caring for this land, as well as all Aboriginal peoples who have
helped shape and continue to strengthen our University community.
University of Lethbridge | Faculty of Arts and Science | Department of English | School of Graduate studies | RSS Feed
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