Round up of citations of the Lethbridge Journal Incubator

The Journal Incubator is getting on about 5 years, now. In that time, it’s been the subject of a number of mentions in various contexts: from articles by students and faculty associated with the Incubator, to passing notices of our talks or use of our CC-Licensed material.
Here’s a list of 12 references (excluding conference presentations) I’ve recently come up with:
Borchard, Laurie, Michael Biondo, Stephen Kutay, David Morck, and Andrew Philip Weiss. 2015. “Making Journals Accessible Front & Back: Examining Open Journal Systems at CSU Northridge.” OCLC Systems & Services: International Digital Library Perspectives 31 (1): 35–50.
Breure, Leen, Maarten Hoogerwerf, and Georgi Khomeriki. 2013. “CLIO-DAP: Systems Analysis and Design.” 1.2. DANS.
Buckland, Amy. 2015. “Getting the Word out: Students as Content Creators.” In Getting the Word Out Academic Libraries as Scholarly Publishers, edited by Maria Bonn and Mike Furlough, 193–202. Association of College and Research Libraries.
Communication, Office of Scholarly. n.d. “FORCE2015 Observations & Notes | Unlocking Research.” Accessed March 30, 2018.
Cowan, Sandra A. 2013. “Open Access Journal Incubator at University of Lethbridge Library.” In Library Publishing Toolkit, edited by Allison P. Brown, 179–86. Geneseo, NY: IDS Project Press, Milne Library, SUNY Geneseo.
Cowan, Sandra, and Chris Bulock. 2017. “Open Access in the World of Scholarly Journals: Creation and Discovery.” The Serials Librarian 72 (1-4). Routledge: 194–200.×.2017.1309845.
Humble, Linnet. 2012. “Unconverted: Outsourcing Ebook Production at a University Press.” Edited by Rowland Lorimer. MPub, Simon Fraser.
Moore, Samuel. 2015. “Stop Shielding Early-Career Researchers from Open Access – Limiting Wider Involvement Won’t Change a Broken System.” Impact of Social Sciences. August 24, 2015.
O’Donnell, Daniel Paul, Heather Hobma, Sandra Cowan, Gillian Ayers, Jessica Bay, Marinus Swanepoel, Wendy Merkley, Kelaine Devine, Emma Dering, and Inge Genee. 2015. “Aligning Open Access Publication with Research and Teaching Missions of the Public University: The Case of The Lethbridge Journal Incubator (If’if’s And’and’s Were Pots and Pans).” The Journal of Electronic Publishing: JEP 18 (3). Michigan Publishing, University of Michigan Library.–aligning-open-access-publication-with-research-and-teaching?rgn=main;view=fulltext.
“OA Journal Business Models – Open Access Directory.” n.d. Accessed March 30, 2018.
Saklofske, John, and INKE Research Team. 2016. “Digital Theoria, Poiesis, and Praxis: Activating Humanities Research and Communication Through Open Social Scholarship Platform Design.” Scholarly and Research Communication 7 (2).
Solomon, David J., Mikael Laakso, and Bo-Christer Björk. 2016. “Converting Scholarly Journals to Open Access: A Review of Approaches and Experiences.” Harvard University Library.