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Quick notes on "mediumish" Jekyll theme
- Author profiles are stored in the _config.yml
- Post formats:
bq.. layout: post
title: “Title”
author: name // matches _config.yml
categories: [one,two]
tages: [first,second]
image: assets/images/example.jpg
description: “snippet”
featured: true // put it in the splash
hidden: true //seems to remove it from the listing below the splash
rating: 4.5
- Filename: yyyy-mm-dd-title-you-want-in-url
Trying to work out where the card css is stored:
- the cards are defined in includes/featured.html
<div class="col-md-6 mb-30px card-group">
<div class="listfeaturedtag h-100">
<div class="row h-100">
* The above are the first three divs which wrap both parts of the "card" (actually a card group). I deleted each in turn to see what happened
** deleted @class="row h-100"@ // nothing seemed to happen
** deleted @class="listfeaturedtag h-100"@ // font size became big
** deleted @class="col-md-6 mb-30px card-group"@ // changed them to stacked, 100% wide cards
** deleted just @col-md-6@ // Still stacked. (so this probably controls the stacking)
** deleted just @ mb-30px@ // they are back in rows, but looks like no padding below between the boxes.
** delted just @" card-group"@ // not obvious what happens.
** added col-lg-4 from the main body and ended up with three column.
*Ah hah! I understand it now. These are actual bootstrap values for different screens: col-lg = large screen, number of pixels for each column; md = medium, sm = small. It's a way of creating responsive layouts.