MySQL cheatsheet

MySQL Dump/Restore
Dump ALL MySQL Databases
mysqldump —user=XXXXXXXX —password=XXXXXXX -A > /PATH/TO/DUMPFILE.SQLDump Individual or Multiple MySQL Databases
mysqldump —user=XXXXXXXX —password=XXXXXXX —databases DB_NAME1 DB_NAME2 DB_NAME3 > /PATH/TO/DUMPFILE.SQLDump only certain tables from a MySQL Database
mysqldump —user=XXXXXXXX —password=XXXXXXXX —databases DB_NAME —tables TABLE_NAME > /PATH/TO/DUMPFILE.SQLRestoring dbase
- Use the following procedure to reload the contents of a database:
- Unzip the backup file you wish to use.
- Open it up and pull out only the information that you will need.
- Save this text file.
- Use the following command to feed back in the contents of a text file: