Developing Essay Topics in Class

This is a method I use with some success to develop essay topics collectively, in-class.
- Ask each student in the class to prepare in advance an essay topic that would be helpful to somebody else in the class.
- On the class day, divide the class into groups of four and ask each group to review all the members’ topics.
- Optional: before asking the class to discuss the topics amongst themselves, ask them about essay topics they have had in the past that have worked or not. Try to build a sense of what types of topics exist and what makes for a good (and bad) topic. If discussion falters, ask the groups to come up with something.
- After reviewing and discussing the topics amongst themselves, each group is to come up with a single essay topic for the rest of the class. This can be based on one of the four proposals, modified from a proposal, or completely new based on their discussions.
- Go through each of the groups in turn, asking to hear what their best topic is. Write up the topic on the board.
- After all groups have been heard from, go back through the topics, this time asking others to comment on strengths, weaknesses, ways of extending the topic, focussing it, etc.
- At the end of the exercise ask each group to nominate a secretary, whose job it is to mail a single topic to the class based on their group’s proposal and the commentary they received.

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