Posted: Aug 14, 2010 12:08; Last Modified: Aug 14, 2010 12:08
First, after installing Ubuntu studio or Jack and all the other stuff, you need to add yourself to the audio group (System > Administration > Users and Groups > Manage Groups > audio (check all the users you want to add).
RT @BUFABrock: The results are in!
@BUFABrock members have voted 97% in favour of strike authorization, if necessary.
The participation r… Jun 27, 08:33 AM
I'm beginning to think that electric vehicles are sort of a Linux of the car world at the moment. Except Teslas whi……Jun 26, 08:57 AM
"He felt that American children in recent generations have had too much parental protection and too little opportun……Jun 18, 09:01 PM
I've been going through Ernie Pyle's Brave Men (a collection of columns from the European front in WWII) looking up……Jun 17, 08:52 PM
Traditionally, “knowledge workers” have had two productivity peaks in their workday: just before lunch and just aft……Jun 10, 10:25 PM
RT @JasonOnTheDrums: #Ableg
Today was within 97% of the record votes we record on Tuesday.
We’re on pace for 784,475 votes over and will… May 26, 08:08 PM
So if we were doing bets, here's mine:
NDP 45
UCP 41
IND (Child-hating poop-cookie) 1
I think people are undere……May 26, 08:07 PM