Cædmon Citation Network - Week 2

Hello Lovers of Old English and the Digital Humanities!
I know you’re out there. I see you.
This week’s blog will be a bit short I’m afraid, thanks to the long weekend making the week itself a bit short.
My goals for this week were to figure out how to use the GLOBUS network and to begin checking our working bibliography against the current body of Cædmon scholarship.
Entirely due to the help of Gurpreet Singh I now know how to transfer files on GLOBUS! I am extremely grateful that he took the time out yesterday to help me with it, as it was not an intuitive process to me at all. One needs to register with GLOBUS as well as Compute Canada and then download some software to one’s computer to create an endpoint. It was all very confusing to me prior to yesterday, but I seem to have a grasp on things now.
Why do I need to use GLOBUS? This system allows the members of our project to share files with one another more easily. Rather than emailing each other articles and other information, we can all use GLOBUS to access everything to do with the project in one shared folder that lives within the Compute Canada network. Now that I have access to the project folder I am able to see all of the articles that Rachel Hanks collected for our data collection last summer. It is an invaluable tool that will save a lot of time that might have been wasted requesting information back and forth between each other.
My second goal, to begin checking the thoroughness of our bibliography, has also been achieved, but it is more slow-going than I anticipated. We have a pretty good list of Cædmon scholarship so far, but I am planning to check it against the Old English Bibliography Newsletter website, Fred Robinson’s A Bibliography of Publications on Old English Literature to the End of 1972, Dan’s own bibliography from his edition of Cædmon’s Hymn, the MLA Bibliography, and the old Anglo Saxon England journal.
Our list will include anything which quotes or paraphrases closely the Hymn itself, either in translation or its original form. Anything which discusses Cædmon as the subject or as a means of significant comparison in a scholarly context will become part of the bibliography. By limiting ourselves to only counting quotes of the Hymn itself, rather than any section of an edition of Cædmon’s Hymn, we hope to ensure a more complete sample of data. It will be a large sample, but not so vast that we might miss significant elements that would skew our data in an inaccurate way.
So that is what I have been doing for the majority of the week, and what I will continue to do. As always, any questions or comments can be left in the comment section below!
Until next week,