8:40 am This will describe my first session with 3rd PlanIt. There are a few wrinkles as I learn to use the Mac with Parallels (to provide a virtual Windows environment). |
The first wrinkle is to learn how to switch between Mac OS X (which is where I create this web page) and Windows (which is where I use 3rd PlanIt).
Here is a screen capture of my OS X screen:
![](2007JanuaryScreen captures/Picture 1.png)
Basically I have two windows open: the OS X (which contains my Dreamweaver creation of this page) and a winxp window (which contains the display for 3rd PlanIt). When in OS X, I simply click anywhere on the winxp window to switch to that environment. When in winxp, I need to press the ctl-alt to switch to OS X.
To obtain a screen capture of a 3rd PlanIt display I must first be in OS X. Then I press cmd-shift-4 to activate the screen capture. I left-mouse-drag to select the area, which immediately creates a jpg file on the OS X desktop. I can then place this image on the Dreamweaver page by following the normal procedure for inserting an image.
The following section numbers refer to the numbers in the 3rd PlanIt User's Manual.
2.1.2 Floating the ToolKit
The ToolKit is initially located on the left side of the winxp window (you can see it in the above screen capture). By moving the cursor over the two lines at the top of the toolkit, one may drag it to any position on the screen. When one does this, it changes its shape:
![](2007JanuaryScreen captures/Picture 2.png)
As soon as one selects one of the tools, the ToolKit disappears (which is a good thing as it clutters up the work area). When one is finished using the tool, a right mouse click will bring back the ToolKit. This is really neat!
2.2 A Sectional Track Plan
The goal for this section is to create a simple track layout using sectional track pieces.
Select ToolKit -> Sectional Builder:
![](2007JanuaryScreen captures/Picture 3.png)
One can then select the particular the particular library one wants (in this case Track -> HO -> Atlas 100).
![](2007JanuaryScreen captures/Picture 6.png)
One then sees a display of all the items in this Library (i.e. all of the different track pieces made by Atlas for HO gauge 100).
![](2007JanuaryScreen captures/Picture 7.png)
Laying track is a snap. Simply click on the pieces of track and each click will result in that piece being attached to the previous piece. Here is a simple example of an oval layout.
Success! My first layout.
2.2.2 Viewing in 3D
One can also view this layout in 3D. First, select all of the track objects. Then use the menu commands View -> 3D Origin and Camera -> Move 3D Origin To Center of Selection.
Slick! This will be more impressive when there is more to see.
2.2.3 Terrain
Switch back to 2D by pressing the Tab key. Click Done on the Sectional Builder to close it. Here is the result of applying a rectangular mesh terrain:
![](2007JanuaryScreen captures/Picture 10.png)
Once this is created it is relatively easy to alter the elevation of the terrain by pulling up or pushing down. Here is the result:
2.2.4 Modifying the Design
This will be my next session.
SUMMARY of the session: I am pleased with this session. The combination of using 3rd PlanIt as well as switching back and forth between OS X and windows xp while obtaining screen captures has been a challenge, but I seem to be getting the hang of it. 10:30 am
9:50 PM |