Wednesday May 9, 2007 7:30 am Lethbridge Sunrise 5:56 Sunset 21:00 Hours of daylight: 15:04 A. Morning Musings
B. Actual/Notes 7:50 am I have received word that the Mexican field guide for birds that I was hoping to get is not available. A little work on the Web and I found it at a Barnes and Noble site. I have ordered it from there. I like the flexibility and SPEED at which one can change an order and locate alternative sources. The speed is related to the fact that the entire ordering system is automated. However receiving a reply to a query, such as I have with my digiscoping, is another story. I wonder if I will ever receive a reply. In an ideal world (i.e. a parallel universe) I should receive 2 email messages within a day or two indicating that the one book left on my order at is now being shipped and another from Barnes & Noble indicating that the new order with them is being shipped. The optimism stems from my understanding that both such systems are part of an automated process. 8:15 am Now to continue converting my LPs to MP3 format. This is not an automated process, but I do have the routine down pat. 4:00 PM Here are two more photos showing the beginning of the spring activity of the May tree in our backyard. A lot of the blossoms have blown off already and the patio looks like the day after a wedding.
6:30 PM Success! Another large scale task completed. Our entire LP collection from 20+ years ago has been converted to MP3 files and is now included in my iTunes library. I still must update my iPod by transfering the files to the iPod, but that is only a few mouse clicks and then a couple of hours of wait time. The best part about the activity was simply hearing these tunes again, after a very long wait. C. Plan
D. Reflection