Psychology Notes May 2007
The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber of the Mind
Journal Index

Psychology 01

May 24

Psychology Notes

7:40 am I have begun making a few notes on the book "Why Good People Do Bad Things"

This is a preliminary diagram based on a sketch that I made about a month ago.

The three red boxes emphasize the main perspectives of the author. He is a Jungian Analyst at the Jung Institute in Zurich, Switzerland.

Why is there such a large discrepancy between values and behavior for so many people? Answer: because we are very complex beings with many competing forces, many of which are unconscious.

SUMMARY of the session: The title of this book attracted me as I know of a few people who would seem to fit this title. Also there are many stories in the news that certainly fit the title, the most recent being a shooting of a student in a Toronto high school yesterday. The other appeal was that the book attempts to provide a model or theoretical framework for discussing this question. Thus it provides a way of considering the question in a "meaningful" manner, whether or not one totally agrees with the framework.

Now to continue reading the book.