Wednesday April 11, 2007 6:00 am Lethbridge Sunrise 6:48 Sunset 20:17 Hours of daylight: 13:29 A. Morning Musings
B. Plan
C. Actual/Note 6:30 am The roads are wet but clear, however the lawns are all totally snow covered. This should all be melted off within a couple of days. I hope to get out later this morning and take a few pictures. I have one small technical task that I can handle before I settle in for the day. I recently bought a pair of 2 CD collections, The Essential Leonard Cohen and The Essential Bob Dylan. I want to copy them onto my iTunes library so they can be on my iPod when I next update my files. 10:20 am Here are two more photos showing the beginning of the spring activity of the May tree in our backyard. More snow. The leaves are having a difficult time getting started.
Noon: I took a break from converting some LP records to MP3 format to take a walk around Nicholas Sheran park. Here are a few images:
D. Reflection