Philosophy Notes March 2007
The Journey of a Lifetime
A Cloud Chamber of the Mind
Journal Index

Philosophy 01

March 25

Philosophy Notes

10:40 am By accident, I began looking at the book, "How Are We To Live?" by Peter Singer (2003). The sub-title of the book is "Ethics in an Age of Self-Interest". I have now read the Preface and first chapter.

I tried to capture a few of the important points in terms of two diagrams:



The second diagram attempts to capture the overall topic in terms of two orthogonal dimensions, both of which are operative to different degrees when any particular event arises. The first diagram simply identifies a number of events mentioned in the chapter.


SUMMARY of the session: This looks like a very timely book, both because of the general sense of our culture in 2007 as well as by my personal situation as a recent retiree.