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Tuesday February 27, 2007 A Three Week Visit to the Yucatan in Mexico - Day 16

The goal today was to drive to Izamal, a town known for its yellow houses. This turned into an unexpected treat. The town, the huge former convent, and the superb restaurant, all gave the day a golden glow.

This is our second day with power problems in the unit. In the early evening the power shut off for good. Fortunately we had a couple of flashlights and we found a couple of candles so we were able to move about without bumping into each other. I think we finally conveyed the message to the real estate agents that we were not happy. We shall see what happens tomorrow.

A. Best 10 tourist images

Arriving in Izamal
Entrance to the former convent
Convent courtyard
Renting a carriage
To the restaurant por favor
Taxi stand
Near the town center

B. Birdwatching

Here is the link for today's birdwatching activities.