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Saturday February 17, 2007 A Three Week Visit to the Yucatan in Mexico - Day 6

Today's agenda was to take the road to Progreso then drive south towared Merida and over to see the cenote Noc-Ac and then drive back to the coast to Chuburna, over to Progreso and then back to our unit at San Bruno. The birdlife along the road from the cenote to the coast was spectacular. We had lunch in Progreso and then returned to our unit in San Bruno for a little beach walking and watched a beautiful sunset. Another fine day in the Yucatan.

A. Best 10 tourist images

Progreso wharf
Progreso merchants
more transportation
more flamingos
beach walking
6:20 PM

C. Birdwatching

Here is the link for today's birdwatching activities.