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Thursday February 15, 2007 A Three Week Visit to the Yucatan in Mexico - Day 4

The goal for today is to visit the Mayan ruins at Dzibilchaltun, just a little north-east of Merida.

We had some difficulty finding the proper turnoff but eventually made it there. We spent the first half hour just outside the entrance looking at birds. There were a number of warblers as well as a Yucatan Woodpecker. The ruins were very impressive. The large temple at one end of the site is called the Temple of the Seven Dolls (because seven dolls were originally recovered from here) and is designed so the light passes directly through the windows on the days of the equinox. I would like to see someone try and build such a building today! We then drove back to the unit, stopping off at a great restaurant just off the highway, for lunch and margareitas. Then a quick stop at Chicxulub to check our email and buy some tortillas.

A. Best 10 Mayan ruin images

These pictures were taken at Dzibilchaltun.

B. Best 6 tourist images

How could we miss it?
Pinates in Chicxulub
tortilla shop in Chicxulub - delicious!
Internet cafe in Chicxulub
email operator
A full day!

C. Birdwatching

Here is the link for today's birdwatching activities.