Departments and Affiliations
- 1991 - Professor of Geography, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA.
- 2009 - 2012 Chair of Geography, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA.
- 1991 - 2003 - Director, Water Resources Institute, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA.
- Sept. 1987 - Dec. 1990 - Coordinator, Water Resources Institute. University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA.
- March - August 1987 - Research Associate, Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA.
- July, 1985 - February, 1987 - Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Waterloo, Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA.
- September 1984 - March 1985: Water Resources Consultant, Stanley Associates Engineering Ltd., Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA.
- July, 1983 - June, 1985: Research Associate, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA
- September 1980 - June 1983: Research and Teaching Assistant, Department of Civil Engineering, University of Alberta, CANADA.
- 1980 - 81 summers: Research Assistant, Soil Science Section, Agriculture Canada Research Station, Lethbridge, Alberta, CANADA.
- Resource Conservation Research Committee, Alberta Agricultural Research Institute, 1991-93.
- Graduate Student Committee, Department of Civil Eng., University of Alberta, 1982-84
- Academic Planning Committee, Department of Civil Eng., University of Alberta, 1984.
- President - Civil Engineering Graduate Students Association, University of Alberta, 1983-84. There were approximately 200 graduate students in Civil Engineering at the University of Alberta.
- Affiliate, The Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy, University of Lethbridge
- American Association for the Advancement of Science
- American Geophysical Union
- Canadian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society
- International Water Resources Association, 1990-98
- Director, Canadian Water Resources Association, Alberta Branch, 1988-98.
- Education Co-Lead 2011 and 2012, American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting Program Committee (FMPC).
- Member, Global Climate Science Rapid Response Team. The team is made up of approximately 160 leading climate scientists from around the world. See http://www.climaterapidresponse.org/
- Science Advisor, Tom Mulcair, National NDP Party Leader Candidate, winter 2011-12
- Southern Alberta Water Management Committee 1990-98.
Courses Taught at University of Lethbridge:
- 2nd year - Weather and Climate; Climatology
- 3rd year - Fluvial geomorphology; Meteorology; Natural hazards; American Southwest Field Courses; Palliser Triangle; Hydrometeorology
- 4th year -Hydrology; Integrated watershed management; Introduction to soils; Irrigation science;
- Many independent and applied studies at all levels;
- Graduate courses in earth science modelling, hydrology, climate and water resource management
- Climate variability and change
- Hydrometeorology
- Hydrology
- Watershed Management
- Watershed Processes
- Water and Climate Issues
- Hydroclimate Modelling
- Impacts and Adaptation to climate change in the Caribbean
- Engage
- Metaphors used to clarify difficult concepts
- Group discussion to test and build understanding
- Group quizzes encourage review of core material and create an enjoyable means of reinforcing concepts
- Challenging students to reflect upon their own learning
- Field trips also serve to focus a greater quantity of time explicitly and totally on the core material of the course
- Field observation and discussion
Graduate Students

Fariborz Mansouri Kouhestani, Mitigation and adaptation of climate change enhanced urban flooding, PhD Candidate.
Academic Background
Master of Science’s Degree, Tabriz University, Iran- Civil Engineering, Majoring in Structural engineering
Bachelor’s Degree, Isfahan University of Technology, Iran- Civil Engineering
Research Interests
Earthquake resistant design of buildings
Making sustainable safe cities against hazards, risks and climate change
Green cities, reducing greenhouse gas emissions from buildings
Using renewable energies
Jalali, A and Mansouri, F. Seismic Response of Steel MRF Buildings under Vertical Ground Motion. International Conference on Earthquake Engineering in 21th Century (EE21C), Skopje/Ohrid, 27th August- 3th September 2005.

Shaghayegh Mirmasoudi, 2014-16. Integrated watershed management, PhD Candidate.
Academic Background
Bachelor’s Degree: From University of Guilan, Iran- In Agricultural Engineering, Majoring in Water
Master of Science’s Degree: From Bu Ali Sina University, Iran- In Agricultural Engineering, Majoring in Irrigation and Drainage –
Thesis Title: the impact of ENSO (El-Nino Southern Oscillation) event on crop evapotranspiration of wheat, potato, barley and maize in some existing warm climate of Iran.
Research Interests
Impact of climate change on water resources
Impact of Atmospheric-Oceanic phenomena such as ENSO on water resources
Crop water requirement modeling
Soil nutrients modeling
Sabziparvar, A. A., Mirmasoudi, S. H., Tabari, H., Nazemosadat, M. J. and Maryanaji, Z. ENSO Teleconnection Impacts on Reference Evapotranspiration Variability in Some Warm Climates of Iran. International Journal of Climatology Vol31 (11) (September 2011), 1710-1723 (Impact Factor: 2.906 - ISI Journal Citation Reports © Ranking: 2011: 17/71 Meteorology & Atmospheric Sciences).

Celeste Barnes, 2014-16. Mitigation and adaptation to climate change at watersheds scale, PhD Candidate.
2011-13. Modelling tropical cyclone impacts on Caribbean populations, MSc Spring, 2014.
Academic Background
Master of Science University of Lethbridge - Multidisciplinary (Geography, Sociology, New Media), 2011 - 2014.
Faculty of Fine Arts University of Lethbridge - New Media, 2010 - 2011.
Bachelor of Science (Advanced) University of Saskatchewan - Computational Science, 1981 - 1988.
Research Interests
Beographical Information Systems (GIS)
Hydrometeorological modelling
Scientific visualization of coastal population and food production vulnerabilities in the Caribbean
Sea level rise
Tropical cyclone activity
Climate change
Barnes, Celeste C, Byrne, James M, McDaniel, Susan A., & Graham, James R. C. (2014). Coastal Population Vulnerability to Sea Level Rise and Tropical Cyclone Intensification Under Global Warming. (M. Sc), University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, AB.
Devin Cairns, 2012-15. Geomorphic based groundwater modelling in the Rocky Mountains, MSc Spring, 2015.
Tanya Byrne, 2012-14. Vulnerability to Climate Change in Nicaragua, MSc Spring, 2014.
Rufa Doria, PDF, 2013. Modelling crop water use and yield in Central America
Ryan MacDonald, 2009-13. Modelling climate change impacts on stream ecology. PhD Spring, 2014.
2007-08. Applying High Resolution Climate Model Output to Hydrologic Impact Assessment for the South Saskatchewan River Headwaters. M. Sc. 2009
Evan Booth, 2011-12. Modeling the Response of Glaciers to Climate Change in the Upper North Saskatchewan River Basin. MSc 2012.
Sarah Dalla Vicenza, 2011-12. Soil moisture dynamics and forest fire risk in the Upper North Saskatchewan Watershed, Alberta. MSc 2013.
Brad Goruk, 2012. Entered MSc program for four months and dropped out.
Kyle Dodgson, 2009-11. Delivering Global Environmental Change Science Through Documentary Film. Incomplete.
Robert Larson, 2005-07. Climate Change Impacts on Water Availability in Western North America. M. Sc. 2008.
Nicole McKechnie, 2003-05. Predicting Climate Change Impacts on the South Saskatchewan River Basin. M. sc. 2005.
Tobias Provost, 2001-02. Integrating Traditional Ecological Knowledge into GIS based resource management. M. A. on hold.
Paulette Fox, 2001-04. Using GIS to link ecological databases to Blackfoot Traditional Knowledge. M. sc. 2004
Suzan Lapp, 2001-02. Climate warming impacts on alpine snowpacks and spring runoff water supplies in western North America. M. sc. 2002
Jennifer Reid, 1999-2001. Education and Policy Approaches to Water Conservation for the City of Lethbridge. Master of Environmental Design thesis, University of Calgary, 2001.
Julie Mori, 1999-01. Prevalence of Escherichia coli and Coliforms in a Southern Alberta River System and Survival of Escherichia coli O157:H7 in the Environment. M. sc. 2001.
Brett Michelson, 1999-00. Spatial and temporal analysis of human infections with enteric pathogens in Southern Alberta. Withdrew from program.
Shawn Pinder, 1998-99. A Comparative Analysis of Groundwater Conditions in Two Subdivisions on glacial till Soils, Lethbridge, Alberta. M. sc. 2000.
Aaron Berg, 1996-97. Urban impacts on a prairie groundwater system. M. sc. 1997.
Dennis L. Sheppard, 1995-96. Modelling hydrometeorology in the Upper Oldman River basin. M. sc. 1996.