GIG is a Greek Internet Grammar, primarily designed for students of koine Greek, though students of classical Greek will find most of the material relevant.

GIG is intended to provide a non-technical, jargon-free, basic first-year grammar. Simplicity and clarity are our major aims, and diagrams, memory aids and translation tips are included wherever they may help. Links to related concepts make nagivation easy.

The grammar is written and maintained by Tom Robinson, in the Religious Studies Department of the University of Lethbridge, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, T1K 3M4.
The author may be reached by e-mail at:


GREEK INSTRUCTORS: Do you have special memory aids or ways of explaining particular Greek concepts? Why not share them here? You will receive full credit and remain the copyright owner. And you and your institution will be linked to this site, if you wish. Contact Tom Robinson (robinson@uleth.ca.).