CArms London, College of Arms, s.n.[1]

A diplomatic transcription

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[f. 84v], line 23
1\Nuƿe sceolon/[2]|
[ 1 line of Latin text omitted ] |
herıan heofanrıces ƿeard 2metudes mıhte· hıs modre þanc 3seorc ƿulder fæder|
[ 1 line of Latin text omitted ] |
sua ƿundre geƿas· 4ecedrıhten 5þa he ærest scop eorðe bearnū 6heofon to rofe|
[ 1 line of Latin text omitted ] |
7þa mıddan geard moncynnesƿeard 8ecedrıhten æfter 9sysū onfolden frealmnhtyg[3]|
[ 1 line of Latin text omitted ] |
10\halıg scyppend/[4]


[1]A few insignificant differences in the transcription of manuscript word spacing among this transcription, Humphreys and Ross 1975, and Cavill 2000 have not been noted.

[2]\Nuƿe sceolon/|] Added above final words (Nunc laudare) of manuscript line 23.

[3]frealmnhtyg|] See freall|mechtig· (Br 9b) for a similar error. Humphreys and Ross 1975 incorrectly read almihtyg for almnhtyg|. Cavill 2000, citing Latin filiis from the previous line as a parallel example, reads almiihtyg with <ii> after <m>. The minims after <m> in the Old English text are clearly joined at the top, however.

[4]\halıg scyppend/] Added above first two words (potens creauit) of manuscript line 30. Humphreys and Ross 1975 incorrectly read sceppend.