Reverse detail from Kakelbont MS 1, a fifteenth-century French Psalter. This image is in the public domain. Daniel Paul O'Donnell

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About posters

Posted: Jan 04, 2015 16:01;
Last Modified: Dec 07, 2020 11:12


I increasingly use posters in my classes as a way of encouraging collaboration and the development of a research community.

Although posters have long been used in the Natural Sciences, some Social Sciences, and the Digital Humanities, they are only beginning to appear in more traditional humanities disciplines.

This post provides some resources for discovering how to design posters and explains my general policies.


How to make posters

Although students make posters throughout Grade School, Middle School, and High School, research posters of the kind used at University are slightly different in format and design.

There are lots of tutorials on the web describing how to make posters and providing examples and templates (a typical successful search might poster design for students of the humanities). An example from UCLA can be found here.

Here are some very broad tips:

How will my poster be assessed?

Generally, I treat posters as formative exercises. This means that they are usually graded either Pass/Fail or Appropriate/Inappropriate/Fail. You should check your syllabus to be sure how I am doing it in your class.

To receive a grade of Pass/Appropriate, the following should be true:





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