Ivan J. Townshend, C.E.T., B.A., M.A., Ph.D. 

 Department of Geography
 University of Lethbridge
 4401 University Drive
 Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada, T1K 3M4

Coordinator:  Urban and Regional Studies Program

Research Affiliate: Prentice Institute for Global Population and Economy.

Team member: Rural Wildfire Study Group

Team member:   Neighbourhood Change Research Partnership.

Office: University Hall C858
Tel: (403) 329-2226
Fax:(403) 329-2016
Email: towni0@uleth.ca




Research Interests



Professional Affiliations



Born in Durban, South Africa, in the beautiful province of NatalEmigrated to Canada in 1977. Worked for about eight years as an electrical engineering technologist with a number of firms in Edmonton and Calgary. Attended the University of Calgary from 1986 to 1996, completing a B.A. in Urban Studies, an M.A. in Resources and Environment, and a Ph.D. in Urban Geography. Part of the PhD degree was spent in residence at the University of Wales, Swansea. Have taught at the University of Lethbridge since 1996. I’m a proud dad of four awesome kids :-).





·  community impacts of TSEs / BSE

·  privatization of space / gated communities

·  geography of economic change on Indian Reserves in Canada

·  social change in urban Canada

·  urban social segregation and the measurement of segregation

Download a free copy of SEGCALC, a stand-alone PC program for computing multiple segregation measures at the same time (developed by Stavros Konstantinidis and Ivan Townshend). You will also need the SEGCALC readme file.

·  geography of the life course

·  the urban elderly

·  urban community associations 

·  ethnic communities

·  retirement housing and retirement communities

·  the "structure" of community

·  the role of community structure and residential segregation on psychological well-being

·  quantitative methods in human and physical geography

·  intra-urban social geography

·  urban systems

·  population health and land use issues

·  rural community

·  community resilience

·  impacts of wildfires on social and mental health



Manuscripts Submitted / Under Review (R = refereed)


Manuscripts Accepted/In Press/ Forthcoming (R = refereed)

·         (R). Townshend, I., Awosoga, O.,  Kulig, J. Pujadas Botey, A., Shepard, B., McFarlane, B. (in press) “Impacts of  Wildfires on School Children: A Case Study of Slave Lake”. International Journal of Mass Emergencies and Disasters.  


Published (R = refereed)


a) Books and Booklets

·         Kulig, J.C., Pujadas-Botey, A., Townshend, I., Shepard, B., Awosoga, O., Edge, D., Reimer, W., Lightfoot, N., Ross, R., Mellot, J., & McFarlane, B. (2012)  The 2011 Slave Lake Fires: Lessons Learned.  University of Lethbridge, Faculty of Health Sciences, 16pp.

·         Kulig,J., Pujadas Botey, A., Townshend, I. , Awosoga, O., Shepard, B., Edge, D., Reimer, W., Lightfoot, N (2012). Families and Children: Responses to Wildfires—Links to Community Resiliency.   University of Lethbridge., 31pp.

·         (R) Kulig, J.,  Gullacher, A., Reimer, B., Townshend, I., Edge, D.S., Lightfoot, N., McKay, M., Hutton, D., Barnett, M., Clague, J., & Coghlan, A.  (2010).  The McLure  Fire: Lessons Learned.  Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge. 16pp.

·         (R) Kulig, J.,  Gullacher, A., Reimer, B., Townshend, I., Edge, D.S., Lightfoot, N., McKay, M., Hutton, D., Barnett, M., Clague, J., & Coghlan, A.  (2010).   The Mallard  Fire: Lessons Learned. Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Lethbridge. 16pp.

·         Kulig, J., Gullacher, A., Reimer, B., Townshend, I., Edge, D., Lightfoot, N., Neves-Greca, K., McKay, M., Hutton, D., Barnett, M., Clague, J. and Coghlan, A. (2008).  The Lost Creek Fire: Lessons Learned. 16pp.

·         (R) Davies, W.K.D. and  Townshend, I.J.  (eds) (2002). Monitoring  Cities: International Perspectives. International Geographical Union, Urban Commission., 610pp.

·         (R) Ramp, W., Kulig, J., Townshend, I.J., and McGowan, V. (Eds) (1999). Health in Rural Settings: Contexts for Action. Lethbridge: University of Lethbridge Press.. 311pp..


b) Book Chapters (R = refereed)

·         Davies, W.K.D. and Townshend, I (2015). “New Urbanisms: From Neo-Traditional Neighbourhoods to New Regionalism”.  Chapter 2 in W.K.D. Davies  Theme Cities: Solutions for Urban Problems.  Springer.

·         (R) Townshend, I and Walker, R. (2015).  Life Course and Lifestyle Changes: Urban Change through the Lens of Demography.  Book chapter for Filion, P., Moos, M., Vinodrai, T. and Walker, R (eds) Canadian Cities in Transition (5the ed).  Oxford University Press

·         (R) Townshend, I, Hungerford, L., MacLachlan, I, and Johnston, T. (2010). Urban vs. Rural Community:  Towards Community Experiential Convergence and Undifferentiated Rural Space, in  D. Winchell, D. Ramsey, R. Koster and G. Robinson (Eds) Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change . Rural Development Institute, Brandon University, pp. 168-199. 

·         (R) Townshend, I, and Hungerford, L. (2010). Enhancing Rural Well-Being through ‘Experiencing’ Rural Community as Place.  K. Beesley (Ed), The Rural-Urban Fringe: Conflict and Controversy. Rural Development Institute, Brandon University, pp. 269-290.   

·         (R) MacLachlan, I. and Townshend, I. (2010) Regional Impacts of BSE in Alberta: Exploring Regional and Structural Dynamics of Alberta’s Cattle Herd Using a Shift-Share Model. in D. Winchell, D. Ramsey, R. Koster and G. Robinson (Eds) Geographical Perspectives on Sustainable Rural Change . Rural Development Institute, Brandon University, pp. 263-283. 

·         (R) Townshend, I and Walker, R. (2010).  Life Course and Lifestyle Changes: Urban Change through the Lens of Demography. In Bunting, T., Filion, P. and Walker, R. (Eds). Canadian Cities in Transition, 4th ed. Oxford University Press, Chapter 8. (pp.131-149). 

·         (R) Davies, W.K.D. and Townshend, I.J.  (2005) “Calgary Communities: From Development to Social Character” in Chinook Country Historical Society (ed), Remembering Chinook Country: Told and Untold Stories of Our Past.   Calgary: Detselig Books, pp.333-349. (Alberta Centennial Project).

·         (R) Townshend, I.J. and Aldridge, A. (2004). “Situating Voluntary Sector Housing Initiatives within the Social Structure of Canada’s Neighbourhoods: A Habitat for Humanity  Case Study”. In M. Pacione (ed) Changing Cities: International Perspectives. IGU Urban Commission and Strathclyde University Publishing, pp. 51-61.

·         (R) Davies, W.K.D. and Townshend, I.J. (2002) “Introduction”. In Davies, W.K.D and Townshend, I.J (eds) Monitoring Cities: International Perspectives.  International Geographical Union,
Urban Commission, pp. 1-11.

·         (R) Townshend, I.J. (2002) "Monitoring Community Dimensions: City-Wide Characteristics and Differentiation by Social Region". In Davies, W.K.D and Townshend, I.J (eds) Monitoring Cities: International Perspective.  International Geographical Union, Urban Commission, pp.435-459

·         (R) Townshend, I.J. (2000). “Fort McMurray”. Microsoft Encarta Encyclopedia.

·         Townshend, I.J. (1999). Introduction to Section II, “Health Issues and Economic Considerations”. In W. Ramp et al. (eds), Health in Rural Settings: Contexts for Action. University of Lethbridge Press, pp.61-63.

·         (R) Davies, W.K.D., Chan, J. and Townshend, I.J. (1999). “How Do Communities Differ? Empirical Evidence for Behavioural and Cognitive-Affective Dimensions of Community.”   in Aguilar, A.  and Escamilla, I. (Eds), Problems of Megacities: Social Inequalities, Environmental Risk and Urban Governance. Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Institute of Geography, pp.529-542.


c) Refereed Papers

·         Townshend, I., Awosoga, O.,  Kulig, J. , Fan, H (2014). Social cohesion and resilience across communities that have experienced a disaster.  Natural Hazards.  DOI 10.1007/s11069-014-1526-4.

·         Reimer, W., Kulig, J.C.,., Edge, D.S., Lightfoot, N; Townshend, I  (2013) The Lost Creek Fire ­ An example of community governance under disaster conditions.  Disasters. 37(2): 317-332.

·         (R) Kulig, J., Edge, D., Townshend, I., Reimer, W., & Lightfoot, N. (2013). Impacts of Wildfires: The Aftermath at Individual and Community Level. Australian Journal of Emergency Management, 28(3): 23-28.

·         (R). Kulig,J., Pujadas Botey, A., Townshend, I., Awosoga, O., Shepard, B., Edge, D., Reimer, W., Lightfoot, N., Coghlan, A., McFarlane, B., Mellot, J., Ross, R. (2013). Picking up the Pieces:  Slave Lake since the Wildfires.  Municipal World. , Feb 2013., 25-27.

·         (R) Kulig, J., Edge, D, Townshend, I, Lightfoot, N., Reimer, W. (2013). "Community Resiliency: Emerging Theoretical Insights".  Journal of Community Psychology. 41(6): 757-775.

·         (R) Reimer, W., Kulig, J.C.,., Edge, D.S., Lightfoot, N; Townshend, I  (2013)  The Lost Creek Fire – An example of community governance under disaster conditions.  Disasters 37(2): 317-332.

·          (R) Kulig, J., Reimer, W., Townshend, I., , Edge, D., and Lightfooft, N. (2011).  Rural Communities Facing Disasters: What Have We Learned?.  Municipal World, May 2011, pp. 23-25

·         (R) Kulig, J, Edge, D., Reimer, W., Townshend, I., and Lightfooft, N. (2009) Levels of Risk: Perspectives from the Lost Creek Fire. Australian Journal of Emergency Management,  24(2): 33-39.

·         (R) Carolyn McTighe , J. Kulig, W., Reimer, I., Townshend, D., Edge, K. Neves-Graca, N. Lightfoot, M., Barnett, J. Clague., A. Coghlan, M. McKay. D. & Hutton (2008) From Surviving to Thriving – The Resiliency of Rural Communities in the Face of Adversity. Rural Routes, March 2008, pp. 20-21.

·         (R) Townshend, I.J. (2006) "From public neighbourhoods to multi-tier private neighbourhoods: the evolving ecology of neighbourhood privatization in Calgary" GeoJournal 66(1-2):103-120.

·         (R) O'Donoghue, D. and Townshend, I.J. (2005). Diversification, Specialisation, Convergence and Divergence of Sectoral Employment Structures in the British Urban System 1991-2001.  Regional Studies, 39(5): 585-601.

·         (R) Lapp, S., Byrne, J., Townshend, I., Kienzle, S. (2005) “Climate warming Impacts on Snowpack Accumulation in an Alpine Watershed”.  International Journal of Climatology 25(4): 521-536.

·         (R) Gannon, V.P.J., T.A. Graham, S. Read, K. Ziebell, A. Muckle, J. Mori, J. Thomas, B. Selinger, I. Townshend and J. Byrne. (2004). "Bacterial pathogens in rural water supplies in southern Alberta, Canada".  Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health (Part A), 67 (20-22): 1643 - 1653 .

·         (R) Townshend, I.J , MacLachlan, I.R., and O’Donoghue, D. (2004) “Integrated Dis-Integration:  Employment Structure of First Nations Communities on the Prairies in Relation to their Local Regions". Canadian Journal of Native Studies 24 (1):91-127.

·         (R) MacLachlan, I. and Townshend, I.J. (2004) "Stockyard Districts as Industrial Clusters in Two Western Canadian Cities". Western Geography Vol 13 /14: 44-68.

·         (R) Gannon, V., Graham, T., Read, S., Ziebell, K., Muckle, A., Mori, J., Thomas, J., Selinger, B., Townshend, I., Byrne, J (2003). “Bacterial pathogens in Rural Water Supplies in Southern Alberta”. In Hrudey, S. (Ed), Drinking Water Safety: A Total Quality Management Approach (Proceedings, International Conference on Water and Health). University of Waterloo, Institute of Risk Research, pp.289-300

·         (R) Johnson, J.Y.M., Thomas, J.E., Graham, T.A., Townshend, I.J., Byrne, J., Selinger, B. and Gannon, V.P.J. (2003). "Prevalence of  Eschericia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella spp in Surface Waters of Southern Alberta and its Relation to Manure Sources". Canadian Journal of Microbology, 49: 326-335.

·         (R) Hyland, R.; Byrne, J.; Selinger, B.; Graham, T.; Thomas, J.; Townshend, I.; and Gannon, V. (2003) "Spatial and Temporal Distribution of Faecal Indicator Bacteria in Southern,  Alberta, Canada". Water Quality Research Journal of Canada, 38(1): 15-32.

·         (R) Lapp, S.; Byrne, J.; Kienzle, S.; and Townshend, I.J. (2002). "Linking Global Circulation Model Synoptics and Precipitation for Western North America".  International Journal of Climatology, Vol 22: 1807-1817.

·         (R) Townshend, I.J. and Walker, R. (2002) "The Structure of Income Segregation in Canadian Metropolitan Areas". Canadian Journal of Regional Science. XXV(1): 21-48.
(note: Walker is a former U of L undergrad student and research assistant, now PhD candidate at Queens).

·         (R) Townshend, I.J. (2002). "Age Segregated and Retirement Communities in the Third Age: The Differential Contribution of Place-Community to Self-Actualization".  Environment and Planning B: Planning and Design 29(3): 371-396.

·         (R) Townshend, I.J. (2001). "The Contribution of Social and Experiential Community Structures to the Intra-Urban Ecology of Well-Being". Canadian Journal of Urban Research, 10(2): 175-215. special issue on urban quality of life.

·         (R) Byrne, J.M., Berg, A.A. and Townshend, I.J. (1999). "Linking Observed and GCM Upper Air Circulation Patterns to Current and Future Snow Runoff for the Rocky Mountains". Water Resources Research, 35(12):3793-3802.

·         (R) Townshend, I.J. and Davies, W.K.D. (1999). “The Derivation of Shopper Typologies in Business Revitalization Zones”. Papers and Proceedings of the Applied Geography Conferences, Vol 22,pp.132-145.

·         (R) Townshend, I.J. and Davies, W.K.D. (1999) "Identifying the Elements of Community Character: A Case Study of Community Dimensionality in Old Age Residential Areas". Research in Community Sociology, Volume 9: 219-251.

·         (R) Davies, W.K.D, Townshend, I.J. and Ng, L. (1998)  The Survival of Commercial Hierarchies: Rural Service Centres in Western Victoria, Australia”, Tijdschrift voor Economische en Sociale Geografie (T.E.S.G),  89(3): 264-278.

·         (R) Davies, W.K.D. and Townshend, I.J. (1994). "How Do Community Associations Vary? - The Structure of Community Associations in Calgary, Alberta". Urban Studies, Vol 31 (10): 1739-1761.

d) Published Reviews

·  Townshend, I.J. (1998) Book review of Sharing the City: Community Participation in Urban Management, by John Abbott (Earthscan 1996). Urban Studies, vol. 34(1):.

·  George Ryga award adjudication and review of Leilah Nadir (2007) The Orange Trees of Baghdad. comments at:  http://www.abcbookworld.com/view_author.php?id=9234

e) Consultancy and Other Professional Research Reports

·  Kulig, J., Pujadas-Botey, A., Townshend, I., Awosoga, O., Shepard, B., Edge, D., Reimer, W., Lightfoot, N.,  Smolenski, S. (2012). Report of the Household Survey: Slave Lake, AB. Lethbridge, Alberta. University of Lethbridge.

·  Kulig, J., Pujadas-Botey, A., Townshend, I., Awosoga, O., Shepard, B., Edge, D., Reimer, W., Lightfoot, N., Smolenski, S. (2012). Report of the School Survey: Slave Lake, AB. Lethbridge, Alberta. University of Lethbridge.

·  Kulig, J., Reimer, W., Townshend, I. Edge, D., Lightfoot, N. (2011). Understanding Links between Wildfires and Community Resiliency: Lessons Learned for Disaster Preparation and Mitigation.  Lethbridge: University of Lethbridge (pp 1-36)

·  Kulig, J., Reimer, W., Townshend, I. Edge, D., Lightfoot, N., Kimmel, A. (2010). Report of the Household Survey: Coaldale, AB. Lethbridge, Alberta, University of Lethbridge.

·  Kulig, J., Reimer, W., Townshend, I. Edge, D., Lightfoot, N., Kimmel, A. (2010). Report of the Household Survey: Barriere BC.  Lethbridge, Alberta, University of Lethbridge.

·  Kulig, J., Reimer, W., Townshend, I. Edge, D., Lightfoot, N., Kimmel, A. (2010). Report of the Household Survey: La Ronge SK.  Lethbridge, Alberta, University of Lethbridge.

·  Kulig, J.C., Gullacher, A., Reimer, B., Townshend, I., Edge, D.S., Lightfoot, N., Neves-Graca, K., McKay, M., Hutton, D., Barnett, M., Clague, J., & Coghlan, A. (2008). Lost creek fire: lessons learned.  Report to Institute for Catastrophic Loss Reduction

·  Kulig, J., Reimer, W., Townshend, I., Edge, D. Neves-Graca, K., Lightfoot, N. (2007). Understanding Resiliency and Risk: A Final Report of the Lost Creek Fire Pilot Case Study.  Institute of Catastrophic Loss Reduction. 100pp.

·  Townshend, I. (2007). City of Lethbridge Neighbourhood Matters Survey. Data Analysis and Summary, 284 pages.

·  Mori, J., Thomas, J., Gannon, V., Graham, T., Selinger, B., Townshend, I., and Byrne, J. (2001). "Assessment of Water Quality in Irrigation Waters from the Oldman River Basin. Health Canada/ University of Lethbridge, Project # 99M565X (July 2001).

·  Mori, J., Graham, T., Arvidsen, V., Gannon, V., Thomas, J., Selinger, L., Byrne, J. and Townshend, I. (2000). “Escherichia coli O157:H7 and Salmonella in Water of Lethbridge Northern Irrigation District.

·  Mori, J., Gannon, V., Graham, T., Thomas, J. Townshend, I., Byrne, J. and Selinger, L. (2000). “The Occurrence of Enteric Bacteria and Indicator Organisms in Surface Water within the Oldman River Basin.

·  Johnston, T. and Townshend, I.J. (1999). “Municipal District of Pincher Creek Multi-Lot Country Residential Subdivision Study: Report I: Analysis of Questionnaire Survey Data”.

·  Davies, W.K.D. and Townshend, I.J. (1997). Shopper Types in Inner City Shopping Centres: Profiles in Calgary 1996. City of Calgary Planning and Building Department, Commercial Area Report No.3, January 1997., pp1-78.

·  Townshend, I.J. and McNicol, B. (1996). “Banff Tourism Industry Survey: Data Analysis and Highlight Report”. Unpublished report/analysis for the Banff Bow Valley Study Task Force, Barbara McNicol Consulting.

·  McNicol, B. and Townshend, I.J. (1996). “The North American Tour Association Survey: Data Analysis and Highlight Report”. Unpublished report/analysis for the Banff Bow Valley Study Task Force, Barbara McNicol Consulting.

·  Davies, W.K.D. and Townshend, I.J. (1994). Shopper Types in Calgary's Business Revitalization Zones. City of Calgary Planning and Building Department, December 1994, pp.1-50.

f) Other Creative Work.

·  Konstantinidis, S. and Townshend, I. 1999. SEGCALC. –a program for simultaneous computation of multiple indices of segregation. In the public domain, accessible from this  website.



Conferences /

·  Byrne, T*., Byrne,J., McDaniel, S. Townshend, I. (2012). Global Warming and Food Insecurity in Rural Latin America.  American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, poster GC21C-0975.

·  Kulig,J*. Pujadas Botey, A., Townshend,I., Shepard,B., Awosoga,O., Edge, D., Reimer, W.,  Lightfoot,N., Ross,R.,  Mellott,J., McFarlane,B.,  Coghlan, A. (2012). The Impacts of a Wildfire on Families and Children: Reporting on Slave Lake .  Wildland Fire 2012  Conference, Kananaskis Alberta, October 2012.

·  Townshend,I*.,  Kulig,J., Reimer,W., Edge,D., Lightfoot, N., Shepard,B., Awosoga,O., Pujadas Botey, A. (2012). Children and Natural Disasters: Psychological Impacts and Barriers to Resilience. International Geographical Union, Urban Commission Conference, Dortmund, Germany, August 2012.

·  Kulig,J*., Pujadas Botey, A., Coghlan,A., Shepard,B., McFarlane,B., Edge,D., Townshend, I., Mellott,J., Lightfoot,N., Awosoga,O., Ross,R., Reimer,W.  (2012). “What's Next for Slave Lake, Alberta?: Coming to Terms & Moving On from a Devastating Wildfire,”  Human Dimensions of Wildfire Conference, Seattle, April 2012.

·  Townshend, I.  “Freedom 55: The Promise and Hype of Ageing”. Prentice Brownbag lecture series, March 23, 2012.

·  Townshend, I*., Kulig,J., Reimer,W., Edge,D., Lightfoot, N., Shepard,B., Awosoga, O., Pujadas Botey, A. (2012). Social Factors in Resilience: Some Lessons Learned from Recent Wildfire Events.  WDCAG Conference, Kelowna, March 2012.

·  Townshend*, Kulig, Reimer, Edge, Lightfoot (2011). Disasters and Community Resilience: Urban Lessons from “Peripheral” Wildfire Communities.  Internal Geographical Union, Urban Commission,  Canterbury, UK. (August 2011).

·  Townshend, I*. ., Kulig, J., Reimer, W., Edge, D., Lightfoot, N. (2011)  Perceived Resiliency and Community Cohesion in Wildfire Communities. CAG Conference, Calgary, May 31-June 4, 2011.

·  Townshend, I*. Reimer, W., Edge, D., Kulig, J*., Lightfoot, N. (2011) On the Structure of Perceived Resiliency and Community Cohesion in Wildfire Communities.  Resiliency 2011 Conference:  Resilience, Innovation, & Sustainability: Navigating the Complexities of Global Change. March 11 – 16, 2011 Arizona State University, 2nd International Science & Policy Conference, Tempe, Arizona

·  Townshend, I*., Kulig, J*., Edge, D., Reimer, W., Lightfoot, N. (2010). Post-Disaster Response: Research into Community Resiliency after Wildfire.  NSERC Café Scientific, Galt Museum, Lethbridge, Nov 3, 2010.

·  Kulig, J., Edge*, D, Townshend, I., et al. (2010) Rural Community Resiliency, Wildfires and Disaster Preparedness: Policy Implications for Canada. 9th Annual Canadian Rural Health Research Society (CRHRS) conference, Rural Health: Connecting Research and Policy, Fredericton, NB, Sept 23-25, 2010.

·  Kulig*, J. and Townshend*, I. (2010).  Household Survey Results: Coaldale Site. Presentation to Coaldale Council, May 10, 2010.

·  Kulig*,J. Kimmel, A. Edge,D.,  Lightfoot, N., Reimer, B. Townshend, I. (2010). “Community Resiliency as a Response to Wildfires: Canadian Case Examples”.   International Association of Wildland Fire,  2nd Human Dimensions of Wildland Fire Conference, San Antonio, Texas, April 26-29, 2010.

·  MacLachlan*, I., Townshend, I. and Xu, W.  (2010). Immigration as a Component of Population Change in Alberta’s Second and Third-Tier Cities.  AAG annual conference, April 14-18, 2010.

·  Ryan J. MacDonald*, Ivan Townshend, James M. Byrne, Stefan W. Kienzle. Assessing the Potential Impacts of Climate Change on Mountain Hydrometeorology in the North Saskatchewan River Watershed.  Canadian Water Resources Association, March 26, 2010.

·  Kulig*,J. Kimmel, A. Edge*,D.,  Lightfoot, N., Reimer*, B. Townshend*, I. Community Resiliency and Response to Wildfires: Barriere. Community Presentation, March 15, 2010

·  Judith C Kulig*, Dana Edge, Nancy Lightfoot, Bill Reimer, Ivan Townshend. (2009). Community Resiliency and Response to Wildfires: Stories from Barriere and La Ronge. Canadian Rural Health Research Society Conference, Kingston, Ontario.

·  MacLachlan, I*. and Townshend, I. (2008). Technical Barriers to Trade, Food Safety and the Global Livestock Revolution. CAG annual meeting, Quebec, May 2008.

·  MacLachlan, I*. and Townshend, I. (2008). The Packinghouse Alchemy: From Commodity Cattle to Quality Assured Beef. AAG, Boston, March 2008.

·  Townshend, I*. (2008). Private Neighbourhoods and Civility?: Hierarchies of Governance, Ecological Fractionation, and the Question of Alterity. QUB-UU Canadian Studies Conference on Governance, Administration, and Democracy, University of Ulster, Jordanstown, Feb 2008.

·  Baarda, L*. and Townshend, I. (2008). An Investigation of the Potential Linkages between BSE and the Spatial Structure of Economic Change in Alberta’s Communities. PRIONET Conference, Toronto, Feb. 3-5, 2008.

·  MacLachlan, I*. and Townshend, I. (2007). Regional Impacts of BSE in Alberta. Paper presented at the Sixth Quadrennial Conference of British, Canadian, and American Rural Geographers, Spokane, July 15-20, 2007

·  Townshend,I*., Hungerford,L., MacLachlan, I. and Johnston, T. (2007) Urban vs. Rural Community:  Towards Community Experiential Convergence and Undifferentiated Rural Space. Paper presented at the Sixth Quadrennial Conference of British, Canadian, and American Rural Geographers, Spokane, July 15-20, 2007

·  Baarda, L*. and Townshend, I.  (2007).  An Investigation of the Potential Linkages between BSE and the Spatial Structure of Economic Change in Alberta’s Communities. PHARE Conference, Saskatoon, April 2007.

·  Townshend, I. (2007)The Evolving Urban Ecology of Community Privatization in Calgary (Gated Communities, Retirement Villages, CIDs). Western Social Science Conference, Calgary, April 2007.

·  Townshend, I*. and Hungerford, L. (2007). “Testing the Utility of the MIZ Concept for Differentiating Rural Community Experience”.  WDCAG Conference, UCFV, Abbotsford, March 8-10, 2007.

·  Baarda, L*., MacLachlan,I. and Townshend, I. (2007). “Regional Variations in Beef Cow Culling Practices in Canada as a Result of BSE”. WDCAG Conference, UCFV, Abbotsford, March 8-10, 2007.

·  MacLachlan, I*. and Townshend, I. (2007). “Prairie Peoples Packers: Progress in the Post-Productivist Project”. WDCAG Conference, UCFV, Abbotsford, March 8-10, 2007.

·  Kulig, J*., Reimer, B., Townshend, I., Edge, D. Neves-Graca, K. Lightfoot, N. (2007). The Impacts of the Lost Creek Fire on Community Resiliency. 9th National Rural Health Conference, Albury, Australia, March 7 - 10, 2007

·  Maclachlan, I*. and  Townshend, I.  Hijacking Meat Packing When Capacity Was Lacking: Alternative Models of Agricultural Processing in the Wake of the BSE Crisis in Canada’s Prairie West.  Paper presented at the Canada-US Corporate Geography Conference, University of North Texas, Feb 23-24, 2007.

·  Townshend, I*. and Hungerford, L. (2006). Urban vs. Rural Community: Is there Experiential Convergence? Paper presented at the International Geographical Union, Urban Commission, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, July 31-Aug6, 2006..

·  MacLachlan,I*. , Townshend, I. and Aitken, S. (2006). Prairie People's Packers Pending: The New Generation Cooperative Model of Cattle Slaughter. Paper presented at the Canadian Association of Geographers meeting,  Thunder Bay, June 2006.

·  MacLachlan,I.* , Townshend, I. and Aitken, S. (2006). Prairie People's Packers Pending: New Slaughter Cooperatives and Canada's Cattle Glut. Lethbridge Downtown Rotary Luncheon, May 15, 2006.

·  Townshend, I (2006). Conceptualizing differentiated terrains of civility as intersections of spatial variability in self, community, and alterity.  Paper presented at the Western Division, Canadian Association of Geographers, Thompson Rivers University, March 2006.

·  Byrne, J., Kienzle, S., Johnson, D., Duke, G., Gannon, V., Van Leeuwen, J., Townshend, I., Selinger, B. and Thomas, J*.   (2005).  Current and future water issues in the Oldman River Basin of Alberta, Canada.  Presented at the Canadian Water Network Researcher Retreat. Nov. 23-25, Kananaskis, AB

·  Townshend, I.J.*  and Aldridge, A. (2005). "Habitat for Humanity and Neighbourhood Social Context: Status Quo or Contextual Change?" Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Lethbridge,  March 11-13.

·  McKechnie*, N., J. Byrne, I. Townshend, N. Rabe, S. Kienzle and A. Shepherd (2004) "Downscaling Spatial and Temporal Variation in Precipitation For Western North America under Forecast Climate Change". American Geophysical Union, December 2004.

·  O’Donoghue , D.P*. and Townshend, I.J. (2004). "Diversity and Specialisation.  Contrasting British and Canadian Urban System Employment Structures: Some Preliminary Observations.". Regional Science Association (British and Irish section), Cork, Ireland, August  18-20, 2004.

·  Townshend, I.J.* and Aldridge, A. (2004). “Situating Voluntary Sector Housing Initiatives within the Social Structure of Canada’s Neighbourhoods: A Habitat for Humanity Case Study”.  International Geographical Union, Urban Commission, Glasgow, August 8-14.

·  Townshend, I.J. (2004) "Club Realms, Common Interest Developments, and the Privatization of Space Identities: Are we moving towards a new complexity in the ecology of the city?"Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Medicine Hat, Alberta, March 18-20.

·  Craig-Gillert, M.* and Townshend, I.J. (2004). "The Ecology of Social Capital in Lethbridge". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Medicine Hat, Alberta, March 18-20.

·  Townshend, I.J. (2004). Gated and Common Interest Communities in Canada: Retirement Villages, CIDs, and the Evolving Ecology of Privatization. Univesity of New Orleans, sponsored by Centre for Austrian Culture and Commerce, Feb 26-28.

·  O'Donoghue, D*. and Townshend, I.J. (2003) The Diversification, Specialisation, Convergence and Divergence of Sectoral Employment Structures in the British Urban System. Paper presented at the RSABAIS conference, St. Andrews, Scotland, August 2003.

·  Townshend, I. (2003). “Lone Parent Family Segregation in Canadian Metropolitan Areas”. International Geographical Union, Urban Commission (Cities in Transition), Ljubljana, Slovenia, August 17-25, 2003.

·  Gannon, V.P.J*, T.A. Graham, S.Read, K. Ziebell, J. Thomas, B. Selinger, I. Townshend, L. Chui and J. Byrne. 2003. Escherichia coli O157:H7 in Waters of the Oldman River Basin in Alberta, Canada. VTEC 2003, Edinburgh June 8-11.

·  Gannon, V.P.J*., T.A. Graham, S. Read, K. Ziebell, A. Muckle, J. Thomas, B. Selinger, S. Kienzle, S. Lapp, I. Townshend and J. Byrne. (2003) “Spatial and Temporal Occurrence Bacterial Pathogens in Rural Water Supplies, Southern Alberta, Canada”. Canadian Water Network, March 2003.

·  Townshend, I.J. (2002). “Towards an Ecology of the Self and the City”. Public presentation, Canterbury Christ Church University College, UK., December 9, 2002.

·  Gannon V, Graham T, Read S, Ziebell K, Muckle A, Thomas J, Selinger B, Kienzle SW, Lapp S, Townshend I, Byrne J, 2002: Spatial and temporal occurrence of bacterial pathogens in rural water supplies, Southern Alberta, Canada. Poster, EOS, Transactions, American Geophysical Union, 2002 Fall Meeting, Dec. 6-12, 2002 Vol. 82, 2002/Supplement.

·  Gannon, V.*, Graham, T. , Read, S., Ziebell, K., Muckle, A. Mori, J., Thomas, J. Selinger, B. Townshend, I. and Byrne, J. (2002). “Bacterial pathogens in rural water supplies in southern Alberta”. First International Conference on Water and Health - ICWH 2002 “Towards a New Frontier in the Protection of Drinking Water”, Sept. 22 - 25, 2002 University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario

·  Townshend, I.J* and Aldridge, A.R. (2002). "Self-Actualization and the City: Individual and Ecological Links to Place-Community Experience". Paper presented at the Perspective on Urban Spheres Conference, IGU Urban Commission, Pretoria, July 27-Aug 4, 2002.

·  Byrne, J*., I. Townshend, S. Lapp and S. Kienzle, 2002. Linking the CICS CGCM1 Upper Air Winter Synoptics to Winter Precipitation in Western North America. Winnipeg: 55th Annual CWRA Conference, June 11 to 14, Fairmont Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

·  Lapp, S*., J. Byrne, I. Townshend, S. Kienzle, 2002. Modeling Future Snow Accumulation for the Upper Oldman Basin, Southern Canadian Rockies using the CCC CGCM1.  Winnipeg: 55th Annual CWRA Conference, June 11 to 14, Fairmont Hotel, Winnipeg, Manitoba.

·  Byrne, J*., I. Townshend, S. Lapp and S. Kienzle, 2002. GCM Upper Air Winter Synoptic Links to Winter Precipitation in the Western United States. Granby, Colorado: 70th Annual Meeting of the Western Snow Conference, Sol Vista Resort, May 20-23.

·  Lapp, S.L., J. Byrne, I. Townshend, S. Kienzle, 2002. Modeling Future Spring Snowpacks  for Rocky Mountain Watersheds Using the CCC CGCM1. Granby, Colorado: 70th Annual Meeting of the Western Snow Conference, Sol Vista Resort, May 20-23.

·  Townshend, I.J*. and MacLachlan, I. (2002). "Employment Specialization / Diversity of Aboriginal Communities on the Prairies". Canadian Association of Geographers, annual meeting, Toronto, May/June 2002.

·  Townshend, I.J. (2002). An Urban Ecology of Community and Well-Being. Invited presentation, University of Calgary, Department of Geography Faculty Seminar., Feb 15, 2002.

·  Hyland, R., T.A. Graham, J. Thomas, I. Townshend, B. Selinger, J. Byrne and V.P.J. Gannon. 2002. Distribution of Escherichia coli O157:H7, Salmonella and faecal bacteria in the Oldman River Basin During 2000 and 2001. Oldman River Basin Water Quality Initiative Annual Meeting, Lethbridge, Alberta, February 21

·  Byrne, J.M*., Townshend, I.J., Lapp, S.L., and Keinzle, S. (2001). "Linking the CICS CGCM1 Upper Air Winter Synoptics to Winter Precipitation in the Western U.S.". Poster presented at American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, December 2001.

·  Lapp, S*. Byrne. J. , Townshend, I. Keinzle, S. (2001). "Modeling Future Snow Accumulation for a Small Alpine Watershed in the Southern Canadian Rockies Using the CCC CGCM1". Poster presented at American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, December 2001.

·  Townshend, I.J*. (2001). "Monitoring Community Dimensions: City-Wide Characteristics and Differentiation by Social Region" IGU Urban Commission: Monitoring Cities of Tomorrow, Calgary, August 2-8, 2001.

·  Thomas, J.E*., Gannon, V., Byrne, J., Selinger, B., Mori, J., Townshend, I., Stevenson, S., Hyland, R., and Graham, T. (2001). "Impact of Residential and Agricultural Land Use on Water Quality within Southern Alberta". American Society for Microbiology conference, July 2001.

·  Townshend, I. J*. (2001). "Ethnic Communities in Calgary: Residential Segregation, Community Structures, and Community Associations". Invited presentation , Calgary Catholic Immigration Society (CCIS) Conference, Calgary, June 2001.

·  Townshend, I.J*. (2001). “Structural Differences in the Contribution of Community to Well-Being in Urban Social Areas”. Canadian Association of Geographers, annual meeting, Montreal, May/June 2001.

·  Townshend, I.J*. (2001). “The Contribution of Community to Well-Being in Urban Social Areas”. Western Division, Canadaian Association of Geographers, Calgary, March 2001.

·  Townshend, I.J*. (2001). “Community and Well-Being in the Urban Context: What’s Different about Age-Segregated Communities?”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Association of Geographers, New York, Feb 2001.

·  Hyland, R., Byrne, J. , Gannon, V., Townshend, I.J., Mori, J., Thomas, J. Graham, T. and Selinger, B. (2000) ”Assessing the impacts of ecological and anthropogenic variables on water chemical and microbial quality”. American Geophysical Union, December 2000, San Francisco.

·  Lapp, S.L.* and Townshend, I.J. (2000). "Macro-Climate Structure and Regionalization in the US.:  A Multivariate Analysis". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, University College of the Fraser Valley, March 9-11, 2000.

·  Michelson, B*, Byrne, J., Selinger, B., Townshend, I.J., Thomas, J., and Hasselback, P. (1999). Spatial Analysis of Human Infections with Enteric Pathogens in Southern Alberta, Canada. Poster presented at American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, December 1999.

·  Byrne, J.M.* and Townshend, I.J. (1999). Forecast Changes in Runoff for the Western U.S. Using GCM Synoptic Patterns. Poster presented at American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, December 1999.

·  Townshend, I.J. (1999). “The Commodification of Community in the Third Age”. Paper presented at the first International Workshop of the Research Network on Gated Communities, held in conjunction with DAVO, Hamburg, Germany, Dec 2-4, 1999.

·  Townshend, I.J.* and Davies, W.K.D. (1999). “The Derivation of Shopper Typologies in Business Revitalization Zones”. Paper presented at the 22nd Annual Meeting of the Applied Geography Conferences, Charlotte, NC, October13-16, 1999.

·  Michelson, B*., Byrne, J.M., Selinger, B. Townshend, I.J., Thomas, J. and Hasselback, P. (1999) "Spatial Analysis Of Human Infections With Enteric Pathogens In Southern Alberta". Poster presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Lethbridge, June 1999.

·  Townshend, I.J. (1999) "Income, Family, And Ethnic Segregation In Canadian Metropolitan Areas And The Problem Of Hypersegregation". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Lethbridge, June 1999.

·  Byrne, J.M.*, Berg, A., and Townshend, I.J. (1999) "Synoptic Typing Of Historical And Gcm 50kpa Surfaces For Forecasting Winter Precipitation In Western North America". Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Lethbridge, June 1999.

·  Townshend, I.J.* and Craig, B. (1999) "Income, Family, And Ethnic Segregation In Canadian Metropolitan Areas"  Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Western Division of the Canadian Association of Geographers, Kelowna, March 1999.

·  Townshend, I.J. (1998). “Socio-Spatial Dimensions of Community: Their Potential Role in Defining Spatial Inequalities in Quality of Life, Well-Being, and Self-Actualization”. Paper presented to the Regional Centre for Health Promotion and Community Studies (RCHPCS), January 22, 1998.

·  Townshend, I.J. (1998). “Globalization and Community: Exploring the Idea and Substance of Locality-Based Community”. Paper presented at workshop titled “Globalization and Changing Local Priorities”, Lethbridge Public Library, Feb 28, 1998. Organized by Dr. W. Ramp (U of Lethbridge) and Dr. M. Koc (Ryerson Polytechnic University, Toronto).

·  Townshend, I.J. (1998). “On Pigs, Pythons, Profiling, and a Fresh Map of Life”. Keynote Address for conference titled Diversity in the Workplace: Opportunities and Challenges. Lethbridge, October 16-17, 1998. Conference sponsored by Alberta Multiculturalism through the Southern Alberta Ethnic Association.

·  Berg, A.A*., Byrne, J.M., and Townshend, I.J. (1998). “GIS Assessment of GCM Forecasts of Upper Air Circulation and Expected Impacts on Winter Precipitation in Western North America”. Paper presented at Western Snow Conference, Snowbird, Utah, April 20-23, 1998.

·  Byrne, J.M*., Berg, A.A. and Townshend, I.J. (1998). “Modeling Climate Change Impacts on Alpine Snowmelt Runoff: Synoptic Patterns in Western North America”. Poster (H41C-03) presented at American Geophysical Union meeting, San Francisco, December 1998.

·  Townshend, I.J.*., Konstantinidis, S., and Walker, R. (1997). “The Dimensionality of Age Segregation in Canadian Metropolitan Areas”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Great Plains Rocky Mountain Division of the American Association of Geographers, Bozeman, Montana, September 1997.

·  Davies, W.K.D.*, Chan, J. and Townshend, I.J. (1997). “How Do Communities Differ? Empirical Evidence for the Behavioural & Cognitive-Affective Dimensions of Community.” Paper presented at the International Geographical Union (IGU), Urban Commission, Mexico City, August 1997.

·  Townshend, I.J.*, Konstantinidis, S., and Walker, R. (1997). “What Dimensionality of Residential Segregation: The Case of Age Segregation in Canadian Metropolitan Areas”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Regional Science Association, Memorial University, Newfoundland, August 1997.

·  Townshend, I. J. (1996) “The Relevance of the Third Age: An Urban Social Geography”. Paper presented at the Third Conference on Urban Research, Learneds Societies Congress, Brock University,
May 23-June 7.

·  Townshend, I.J. (1996). “Age Segregation in Canadian Metropolitan Areas: Beyond the Dissimilarity of Seniors Distribution”. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Canadian Association of Geographers, May 11-16, University of Saskatoon.

·  Davies, W.K.D., Townshend, I.J. and Ng, L.* (1995) “Service Centres in Victoria (Australia):  Hierarchies or Specialized Groups” Paper presented at Annual Conference of the Institute of Australian Geographers, at University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW.

·  Townshend, I.J. (1995) “Shopper Types in Inner City Commercial Areas”.Paper presented at annual meeting of Canadian Association of Geographers, University of Quebec at Montreal, Montreal, June 1995.

·  Townshend, I.J. (1994) "Community Differentiation in Calgary". Paper presented at the first annual meeting of the Institute of Urban Studies' -- Conference on Urban Research (in conjunction with the Learned Societies), University of Calgary, June 1994.

·  Townshend, I.J.* and Davies, W.K.D. (1993) "How Do Community Associations Vary? - The Structure of Community Associations in Calgary". Paper presented at annual meeting of Canadian Association of Geographers, Carleton University, Ottawa, June 1993.

