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Quiz 1 solution

Because the expansion is reversible, tex2html_wrap_inline72 . We therefore want


To do the integral, we need to write P in terms of tex2html_wrap_inline78 :


The integral is therefore


Note that we don't know tex2html_wrap_inline82 and tex2html_wrap_inline84 . Instead, we know tex2html_wrap_inline86 and tex2html_wrap_inline88 , but since we are given the relationship between tex2html_wrap_inline78 and P, we can calculate the initial and final molar volumes:


Proceding similarly, we get tex2html_wrap_inline94 . We now have everything we need to calculate the value of tex2html_wrap_inline96 :


This is a tiny amount of energy. This calculation justifies ignoring the work done on or by solids and liquids when the pressure is changed by reasonable amounts.

Marc Roussel
Thu Sep 17 11:04:44 MDT 1998