Treating all gases as ideal, we can replace
, where
is the change in the
number of stoichiometric equivalents of gas. In this case,
. Therefore
By multiplying this number by the number of breaths per minute and then by the number of minutes in an hour and by the number of hours of activity, we get the total number of moles of air which pass into the lungs:
The air is warmed by
The heat required to heat the air is therefore
The mass of blubber which the hunter must eat to offset the energy loss from this source is therefore
(Note that these calculations and those of the next section can also be performed on a mass basis rather than on a molar basis.) The heat that goes into melting the ice is drawn from the surroundings:
Since , ice will melt
in a room at
Since , the process is spontaneous.
The maximum work available from the hydrolysis reaction is therefore 34.4kJ/mol.
The coefficient of performance of the freezer is
The work required to freeze these turkeys is therefore