The efficiency of the heat engine is
The efficiency is related to the maximum work by
so the maximum work
done, per mole of methanol burned is
(Note the different states of methanol and water in this
case. If operated well below , fuel
cells produce liquid water.)
We start by calculating
Then we calculate itself:
The maximum work which can be obtained from this fuel cell is 702.3kJ/mol, or almost twice as much as we get from the methanol heat engine.
The spontaneous overall reaction is the one with a positive value of
. Since the
term of the Nernst equation is
generally a small correction, we guess
(If we have guessed wrong, we will get a negative voltage and we will know that the spontaneous reaction in fact runs in the opposite direction.) The ionic strength of the zinc sulfate solution is
Therefore, the mean activity coefficient at 298K is found by
The ionic strength of the copper sulfate solution is
Therefore, the mean activity coefficient at 298K is found by
We then compute the electrochemical potential from the Nernst equation:
We probably should not have used Debye-Hückel theory because the ionic strength of the zinc sulfate solution is a little beyond the range in which Debye-Hückel theory is accurate.