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Chemistry 2710 Spring 2000 Test 2 Solutions

    1. Let tex2html_wrap_inline222 . Then


      The graph has the following appearance: tex2html_wrap290 From the slope and intercept, we find tex2html_wrap_inline240 and tex2html_wrap_inline242 . Since tex2html_wrap_inline244 , we have


    2. The Haldane relationship allows us to calculate the equilibrium constant directly:


      The agreement between the two values isn't spectacular, but then we weren't told much about the conditions under which the enzyme-catalyzed reaction occurred.

    3. eqnarray52

    1. Oxygen radicals (atoms) can be expected to be quite reactive. Since they appear as intermediates in this reaction, the steady-state approximation should be appropriate.
    2. One oxygen atom occurs in each of the two reactions, so we can simply add them. The result is


    3. As argued above, we can use the steady-state approximation for O.


      We solve this equation for [O]:


      The rate of reaction is


    4. At high pressure (high [X]), tex2html_wrap_inline256 so that


      The reaction is of the second order with respect to tex2html_wrap_inline260 . Additionally, the reaction displays an order of -1 with respect to tex2html_wrap_inline264 ). In other words, molecular oxygen inhibits the reaction at high pressure.

      On the other hand, at low pressure (low [X]), the rate approaches


      and the overall order is 2, with first-order dependencies on both [X] and tex2html_wrap_inline268 . Molecular oxygen ceases to exert any significant influence on the rate of reaction, but the rate becomes sensitive to the total pressure.

    1. The tex2html_wrap_inline270 values are nearly constant, which is compatible with competitive inhibition. It should also be the case that a plot of tex2html_wrap_inline272 vs tex2html_wrap_inline274 is linear. tex2html_wrap292 The data do fit a line rather well and so are compatible with competitive inhibition.
    2. tex2html_wrap_inline270 is found by averaging the individual estimates. The result is tex2html_wrap_inline278 .

      The plot of tex2html_wrap_inline272 vs tex2html_wrap_inline274 has an intercept tex2html_wrap_inline284 and a slope tex2html_wrap_inline286 . It follows that tex2html_wrap_inline288 .

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Marc Roussel
Mon Mar 27 08:44:18 MST 2000