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Chemistry 2000, Fall 96, Test 1

  1. Suppose that a chemist measures the initial rate of disappearance of a reactant A as a function of concentration for the reaction tex2html_wrap_inline80 :


    What is the experimental rate law? Also, calculate the rate constant. [10 marks]

  2. Suppose that the amount of tex2html_wrap_inline90 C in a sample can be accurately measured until its abundance has been reduced to 1% of the amount found in living organisms. How old a fossil can be dated with the carbon-14 technique? The half-life of tex2html_wrap_inline90 C is 5730 years. [10 marks]
  3. Write down the rate equations for the mechanism


    Classify all of the species as reactant, product, intermediate or catalyst. [10 marks]

  4. A first-order rate constant is measured and found to be tex2html_wrap_inline94 at tex2html_wrap_inline96 C and tex2html_wrap_inline98 at tex2html_wrap_inline100 C. What are the activation energy and preexponential factor ( tex2html_wrap_inline102 ) for this reaction? [10 marks]
  5. The third-order equation is


    1. Define half-life. [2 marks]
    2. Derive an expression for the half-life of a third-order reaction in terms of the initial concentration of the reactant and the rate constant. [8 marks]
    3. For [A] in mol/L and time in s, what are the units of a third-order rate constant? Hint: This is just a matter of unit analysis. [2 marks]
    4. You are told that a certain reaction obeys third-order kinetics. Explain how you would use this equation along with data giving [A] as a function of time to obtain the rate constant. [8 marks]

Marc Roussel
Thu Sep 26 12:25:22 MDT 1996