© 2006 Tom Robinson

SITE RATING: All sites listed here have useful, reliable information for university students. Note that some sites have both introductory and advanced material.
 INTRODUCTORY  (reliable information, accessible without more than general background)   
 ADVANCED (usually an academic, library or publisher site, often with more technical content)      
 CONFESSIONAL: (sites maintained by religious groups, designed to promote the tradition) 

 ISLAM: An attractive, introductory site of the main features of Islam, with glossary, numerous short articles on a variety of topics, and links to other sites. The site is part of the BBC web resources introducing the major religious traditions of the world.
RESOURCES FOR STUDYING ISLAM AND THE DIVERSE PERSPECTIVE OF MUSLIMS: The best serious and extensive academic site on the web for Islamic studies. Maintained by Dr. Alan Godlas of the Religious Studies Department of the University of Georgia. Brief essays on most topics related to Islam, and a multitude of links to other resources. Not at all a “splashy” site, but you are likely to find a link to almost everything highly worthwhile on Islam on the net here.

 The Noble Qur’an: This site has various special aids for the study of the Qur’an, along with various translations. Brief essays, index, transliteration of the Qur’an, and three translations listed together to make for easy comparison of major translations. Maintained by the Muslim Student Association of the University of Southern California. 
 Quran Browser: The site has a various translations of the Qur’an, as well as the Arabic text. Easy search by term or passage.
 Quran: Quickly find passages and English translations of the Qur’an with Arabic text along side. Sound files are also available.

  MUHAMMAD: LEGACY OF A PROPHET: A PBS site, providing an attractive but limited introductory site using the resources from a film by the same title. Well-designed, with video clips, timeline, a few short articles, and a virtual hajj. 
  The Rightly-Guided Caliphs: Brief description of the caliphate and short biographies of the first four caliphs. Maintained by the Muslim Student Association of the University of Southern California.

The Umayyad Dynasty: Well illustrated and informative site, with links to various short essays on aspect of the Umayyads. Part of The Islamic World to 1600 of the University of Calgary.
Islam Chronology: A brief chronology of the empire, with brief essays mainly done by students on key aspects of the empire. Part of the World History Chronology project at North Park University, maintained by David W. Koeller.
Islam. Civil War and the Umayyads: A short essay of the Umayyad dynasty, by Richard Hooker of Washington State University. Part of the World Civilizations site.
Umayyad Rulers: A list with dates of all the Umayyad rulers, both from Damascus and Spain. Most of the rulers have brief biographies, and various links provide information of key events, cites, and people. Part of the Biography site.
The Abbasid Dynasty: Well illustrated and informative site, with links to various short essays on aspect of the Abbasids. Part of The Islamic World to 1600 of the University of Calgary.
The Fatimids: Well illustrated and informative site, with links to various short essays on aspect of the Fatimids. Part of The Islamic World to 1600 of the University of Calgary.

SUFISM--SUFIS--SUFI ORDERS: Part of Dr. Alan Godlas’s award-winning site. Comprehensive site about all aspects of Sufism.