© 2006 Tom Robinson

SITE RATING: All sites listed here have useful, reliable information for university students. Note that some sites have both introductory and advanced material.
 INTRODUCTORY  (reliable information, accessible without more than general background)   
 ADVANCED (usually an academic, library or publisher site, often with more technical content)      
 CONFESSIONAL: (sites maintained by religious groups, designed to promote the tradition)

   Ancient Near East.net: A serious, comprehensive site. Lots of links, with links. Some of the material is highly technical; some is introductory. Lots on archaeology, with a glossary of terms. The Portals provides links and descriptions of a dozen sites that offer further links to ancient near eastern resources. The site is maintained by Paul James Cowie, a Ph.D candidate in ancient Egyptian studies.
   Encyclopedia Mythica: A comprehensive web encyclopedia of over 7000 articles or notes on Greek, Roman, Norse and Celtic mythology and folklore. A few genealogical tables and illustrations. [Note: use the search feature or the Browse Articles option in the top right corner for quick access to information.]
  MythWeb: A less comprehensive but easier-to-use site than Encyclopedia Mythica (described above).
  The Perseus Digital Library: The most comprehensive site on the internet for study of the classical traditions of the Mediterranean (the site covers a few other areas too). The site is rich in every way: texts (in their original languages and translations), dictionaries and lexicons, reference works, maps and images. Maintained by Gregory Crane, Tufts University (Boston).

  Mesopotamia: An introductory, well designed site on the empires of Mesopotamia. Interactive. Useful for a quick, very elementary introduction. Maintained by the British Museum.

 The Rosetta Stone. Translation of the Demotic Text: An English translation, with an image of the Rosetta Stone. The British Museum.

   Classical Myth. The Ancient Sources: Links to web sites with ancient texts of Greek myths and images of the various gods. The site is maintained by Professor Laurel M. Bowman, Department of Greek and Roman Studies at the University of Victoria (Canada).
   An Etymological Dictionary of Classical Mythology: If you need to discover the Greek or Roman roots of English words that are derived from ancient mythology, this is the site. Maintained by Professor Elizabeth Kraemer of the Library at Oakland University (Rochester, MI).

  ETANA Core Texts: Try here first for electronic versions of ancient near eastern texts. Some 175 texts are listed, often with plates or illustrations of the original texts. ETANA is a cooperative project of leading academic institutions in the field.
  Mesopotamian Texts Archives: A site offering English translations of the better known Mesopotamian texts. Part of the Academy for Ancient Texts site, maintained by Timothy R. Carnahan.

  The Epic of Gilgamesh: English translation, Translator not indicated. Part of the Academy for Ancient Texts site.
  Epic of Gilamish, by Stephen Langdon: The ETANA site for the texts, with plates.

   The Code of Hammurabi: Introduction, commentary and text of the Code of Hammurabi (from the 11th edition (1910) of the Encyclopedia Britannica. Part of the Academy for Ancient Texts site.http://www.ancientneareast.net/http://www.ancientneareast.net/glossary.htmlhttp://www.ancientneareast.net/portals.htmlhttp://www.pantheon.org/http://www.mythweb.com/http://www.perseus.tufts.edu/http://www.mesopotamia.co.uk/menu.htmlhttp://www.thebritishmuseum.ac.uk/compass/ixbin/hixclient.exe?_IXDB_=compass&_IXFIRST_=1&_IXMAXHITS_=1&_IXSPFX_=graphical/full/&$+with+all_unique_id_index+is+$=ENC917&submit-button=summaryhttp://web.uvic.ca/grs/bowman/myth/index.htmlhttp://www.kl.oakland.edu/kraemer/edcm/index.htmlhttp://www.etana.org/coretexts.shtmlhttp://www.ancienttexts.org/library/mesopotamian/index.htmlhttp://www.ancienttexts.org/library/mesopotamian/gilgamesh/index.htmlhttp://Digitized%20Titles%20for%20Etana%20Publications%20of%20the%20Babylonian%20Section,%20Vol.%2010,%20Part%203:%20The%20Epic%20of%20Gilgamish%20by%20Stephen%20Langdon%20Philadelphia:%20The%20University%20Museum,%20University%20of%20Pennsylvania,%201917Text%20(704K)%20Plates%20(1.1MB)http://www.ancienttexts.org/library/mesopotamian/hammurabi.htmlshapeimage_2_link_0shapeimage_2_link_1shapeimage_2_link_2shapeimage_2_link_3shapeimage_2_link_4shapeimage_2_link_5shapeimage_2_link_6shapeimage_2_link_7shapeimage_2_link_8shapeimage_2_link_9shapeimage_2_link_10shapeimage_2_link_11shapeimage_2_link_12shapeimage_2_link_13shapeimage_2_link_14