
My main research area has been labour economics.  I have published on a number of issues including private-public sector earnings differentials, entry into self-employment, time usage and Canada-U.S. migration.  A list of these papers can be found by looking at my CV.

Currently I continue to work on migration issues, and have become interested in post-secondary education policy and issues.  These are my current working papers (all in PDF format).  You can get the Adobe Reader by clicking this link Adobe Acrobat Reader .


“Access and Persistence of Students in Canadian Post-secondary Education: The Pre-MESA Project State of Knowledge,” February 2008.


“The Backgrounds of Canadian Youth and Access to Post-secondary Education: New Evidence from the Youth in Transition Survey,” with Ross Finnie, January 2008.


”The Effects of Family Income, Parental Education and Other Background Factors on Access to Post-Secondary Education in Canada: Evidence from the YITS,” with Ross Finnie, December 2007.


“High School Student Characteristics and Access to Post-secondary Education in Canada: Evidence from the YITS,” with Ross Finnie, October 2007.


The Migration of Highly Skilled Individuals Within and Between Canada and the United States,” October 2007 (with Gary Hunt).

“Straight Pay for the Queer Guy? Earnings Differentials of Males and Females in Same-sex Couples in Canada,” June 2007.

“A Note on Canadian Migration to the United States During the 1980s and 1990s,” June 2007.

“Does the Statue of Liberty Still Face Out? The Diversion of Foreign Students From the US to Canada in the Post 9/11 Period,” June 2007.

“Access and Persistence of Students from Low-Income Backgrounds in Canadian Post-Secondary Education: A Review of the Literature,” May 2007.

"The Impact of Innovation Policy on Canadian Universities and the Migration of Skilled Canadians," June 2006.

”The Migration of Highly Skilled Individuals Within and Between Canada and the United States, Resources and Social Development Canada/Industry Canada/Social Science and Humanities Research Council, Skills Research Initiative, Working Paper 2006 D-14, March 2006 (with Gary Hunt).

"Restricted Immigration of Foreign Students to the United States in the Post-9/11 Period: Is the U.S. Loss a Gain for Canada? PCERII WP07-05 (2005).


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