Istmo Zapotec Muxe ResearcH


In 2015, I began research on Zapotec men, women and muxe in the Juchitán and Tehuantepec districts of the Istmo region of Oaxaca with my student Francisco Gómez.  Two types of muxe exist in this region: muxe gunaa (transgender male androphiles) and muxe nguiiu (cisgender male androphiles).  My main goal in conducting research in this research is to determine the extent to which our Canadian and Samoan findings generalize to a third, distantly related culture.  Work among the Istmo Zapotec muxe also affords the unique opportunity to conduct within-cultural comparisons of cisgender and transgender androphilic males.

Further Reading:

Gómez, F.R., Semenyna, S., Court, L. & Vasey, P.L.

Familial clustering of male androphilia among Istmo Zapotec men and muxe. PLoS ONE., 13(2): e0192683.

Gómez, F.R., Semenyna, S.W., Court, L. & Vasey, P.L.  Recalled separation anxiety in childhood in Istmo Zapotec men, women, and muxes. Archives of Sexual Behavior, 46, 109-117.