

I just want to reiterate again how much I enjoyed the conference. It was such a great experience and I felt really welcome even though it was my first time at the conference. It has truly been one of the best (if not the best) conference experiences that I have had. Thanks for having me and for organizing a terrific conference!

You should be so so proud of putting together what I believe is the best conference I have ever attended. I looked around the room, and all 60ish participants appeared to be at every single talk. I have never seen that before.

I thought that the conference was excellent in absolutely every aspect. I'm glad for the quiet trip back home to try and make sense of the number of ridiculously good talks. I can't imagine I'll see another conference of this calibre in the near future, so I'm extremely grateful to have had the opportunity to attend. So thank you for that!

I had a great time and I can’t thank you enough for inviting me. It was one of the most eye opening experiences I’ve had. 

Thank you for aligning all the “stars”

Great conference in all dimensions.  Even that little blue satchel was excellent!

Fantastic conference. Easily the best I've been to.

Thank you for a great conference, both in terms of content and in organization. I am honored to have been part of that.

Thank you for organizing the Puzzles Conference. I think it went really well! So many interesting talks and presentations!

Thank you so much for your hospitality and the best scientific gathering I have ever attended. I am serious. It was amazing.

wow. Wow. WOW!

Thank you folks so much for an exceptional conference!

Thanks again for having me and for a terrific conference.

Thanks so much for organizing a great conference! I really enjoyed my time in Lethbridge!

I just want to thank you again for a great meeting.  I don’t think I missed a single talk and really enjoyed them all, and I don’t know if that’s ever happened to me at any meeting, so congrats on assembling a great group.  And of course, they are a nice bunch to chat and eat with, too.

Thanks again for all the work you invested to make the conference a success.  It was a great experience.

I had a fabulous time at the Puzzles conference.  Congratulations on putting on such an excellent conference!

Thank you again for inviting me to such a great conference.

Thank you again for putting on a FANTASTIC conference!

You and your crew put on an outstanding conference. I think I learned something from every presentation. I had many excellent conversations with other participants and I think that I’m now set up for some collaborative research with three of them…maybe four.

You have heard this already, but that was a GREAT conference in Lethbridge!!

Thank you so much for inviting me to be a part of such a wonderful conference! Every single talk was fascinating, and everyone created a very supportive environment for students and young researchers.

Thanks again for such a great conference. J 

It’s probably a good idea for Puzzle’s not to be your first conference because nothing else lives up to it.

The conference was an absolute delight that greatly surpassed my very best expectations. It was truly a one-of-a-kind experience that sincerely and effectively integrated multidisciplinary research on the topic of sexuality, ranging from how sex is developmentally (and evolutionarily) determined in fish all the way through to ethnographic analyses of the motivations of strippers in Las Vegas. Breadth aside, it was one of the most deeply and richly developed scientific meetings I have ever attended and I absolutely applaud the University of Lethbridge for its leadership in Canada, North America, and the world for stepping forward to support this engaging and important research. The integrative nature of this conference really struck me as emblematic of U of L's expressed goal to "excel as a comprehensive university." It was an excellent experience, an inspiring meeting, and a wonderful way to become acquainted with the U of L and Alberta, more generally.

Without hyperbole, I would consider Puzzles be the most productive and intellectually stimulating meeting I've ever attended.  I, my post-doctoral fellow, and one of my PhD students spent several days immersed in presentations and conversations from some of the most accomplished sex researchers in Canada and the United States. We learned about fascinating new findings, discussed gaps in what we know about sexual orientation, and generated many ideas for further research. It was a unique experience and my trainees were suitably impressed with their first experience of Puzzles! The meeting clearly showed the University of Lethbridge's support, and capacity, for world-class sex research and scholarship.

This was the best conference I have attended in my 5 years as a graduate student, as it brought together the best minds and ideas in sexual orientation research. I gained much insight and knowledge about the topic that I'm studying, including very important suggestions and help for my PhD thesis. The opportunity to do so was made possible and made easier through the financial contributions made by the University of Lethbridge.  I will be forever grateful for this opportunity and for the support that the University of Lethbridge offered. I hope that the University of Lethbridge continues to support sexual orientation research in the future, so that other graduate students like myself are able to partake in this wonderful opportunity and further their academic training.  

Puzzles was among the very best conferences that I have ever attended.  The University of Lethbridge is in an exciting position of leadership in the interdisciplinary field of sex research, and this important gathering of scholars was a testament to that fact.

I attend many (perhaps too many) conferences each year and of these, the Lethbridge Puzzle Conference is my favorite because it is the one that is most meaningful, filled with conversations, controversies, and exchanges of new perspectives and data. You are the ones who make this possible and I just want to personally thank you for providing the resources and encouragement to make this happen. Professor Vasey is a goldmine and well represents the very best of the University of Lethbridge and our field of sexology.  I look forward to being in Lethbridge in 2020!

I had the pleasure of attending the Puzzle of Sexual Orientation conference at the University of Lethbridge. I would like to thank you for hosting this event, as well as congratulate you on its success. The conference, which – thanks to Paul and his team – was incredibly well organized, brought together world-leading sex researchers, showing once more the invaluable support provided by the University of Lethbridge to sexual orientation research. Throughout the conference I was able to take advantage of the multitude of talks, sessions and workshops on the field of sex research. For myself, the conference was also a great opportunity for networking, and an excellent platform to present my research carried out at University College London. For all these reasons, I do not want to miss the opportunity to thank everyone who has contributed to making this year’s Puzzle of Sexual Orientation conference a huge success.

This conference was one of, if not the, best that I have ever attended. In addition to the extremely high quality of the presentations, it was exceptionally well-organized, and a true pleasure to attend. Canada is well-known as a leader in human sexuality research, and one of the reasons for this is because of the support that Canadian granting agencies and universities provide.  University of Lethbridge is clearly on the forefront of such support!

By way of background, I am a senior academic with more than 35 years of experience as a university professor and research scientist. I have attended well over 50 national and international conferences, workshop, societal meetings, and congresses in my career. In terms of both the quality and quantity or information exchanged, and the relevance of that information to the modern world, the "Puzzle of Sexual Orientation" conference ranks easily in the top five academic gathers of my lifetime. It was superbly well-organized. It was truly inspirational. As such, I want to personally thank all of you for supporting this event. The fact that the "Puzzle of Sexual Orientation" conference took place at your university places Lethbridge as a landmark site for sex and gender research in North America. The best work in this growing field is occurring in the laboratories of researchers who approach the topic with a knowledge base in fields as diverse as psychology, genetics, endocrinology, developmental biology, and sociology. Top researchers in all these fields attended the Puzzle conference. The University of Lethbridge has proven that it has the scholarly foundation to build upon the Puzzle conference and become, not just a place where information in the field is exchanged, but were it originates. I encourage you to take pride in having supported the "Puzzle of Sexual Orientation" conference and in having Dr. Vasey on your faculty.

The Puzzle of Sexual Orientation conference drew so many of the leading experts in the field. I was so impressed by the presentations and was thankful for the opportunity to network with these leaders in the field.

The Puzzle meeting was a very well planned and organized event and extremely conducive to the exchange of knowledge, recent empirical findings, and project ideas among many of us working with sexual orientation research, including different generations of researchers.