Department of Kinesiology, University of Lethbridge

KNES 2200 – Research Methodologies in Physical Activity Involvement

2001 Summer Session 1


Dr. Gongbing Shan

Office: PE211; Office hours: Fridays 2-4 pm or make appointment

Phone: 329-2683;   e-mail:;         Web page:


Lecture Time: from 07. May. to 20. June;             Mon & Wed; 08:00-10:50 am.        Room: PE256

Lab. Time:             Lab. Mon. 11:00 – 12:15;                                  Room: AH147


Course Description: Exploration of qualitative and quantitative methods used in the study of sport and physical activity involvement.

Prerequisite: Kinesiology 1000 and two of Kinesiology 2110, 2120 and 2130.


Course Objectives:

  1. To teach students the essential concepts of research related to human movement studies.
  2. To understand the need for different approaches in dealing with the reality and to teach students the relevant approaches in human movement studies.
  3. To read and evaluate scientific journal articles critically.
  4. To write a scientific report using a standard format, APA (American Psychological Association) format.


Textbook:   Charles F. Cicciarella (1997). Research in Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport. Scottsdale, Arizona. Gorsuch Scarisbrick Publishers.

ISBN: 0-13-776568-1

*note: It is advised to take every class and class notes. Many materials will not be included in the textbook. They will come from other sources.


Evaluation: There will be two examinations (one midterm and one final). Exams will cover materials from lectures as well as textbooks. Comprehension of materials covered on previous exams will be necessary to complete subsequent exams. The laboratory assignment must be typed; no handwritten assignments will be accepted for grading. Late assignments will receive a 10% deduction per day.


ITEM                                       DATE                                                      WEIGHTING

Midterm                                   May 30                                                            25%

Final Exam                               June 25                                                            30%

Laboratory Quizzes (n=4)            See Schedule                                                          20%

Research Paper Due                  June 21                                                            25%

Grade Scheme: Grades will be assigned based on the following grading scheme. In all cases marks will be rounded to the nearest percent.

Letter Grade               Percentage                   GPA

A+                               91-100%               4.0

A                                 85%-90.9%              4.0

A-                                80-84.9%              3.7

B+                               77-79.9%              3.3

B                                  73-76.9%              3.0

B-                                70-72.9%              2.7

C+                               67-69.9%              2.3

C                                 63-66.9%              2.0

C-                                60-62.9%              1.7

D+                               57-59.9%              1.3

D                                 53-56.9%              1.0

D-                                50-52.9%              0.7

F                                  0-49.9%              0




The lecture is based on the following reference Books:


Cicciarella, C.F. (1997). Research in Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport.
            Scottsdale, Arizona: GSP

Duck, T. (2000). HU-M-AN (Human Movement Analysis) HMA Technology Inc.

Hyllegard,R., Mood, D.P. & Morrow, J.R. (1996). Interpreting Research in Sport and
            Exercise Science. Toronto, Ont: Mosby

Jarrell, S.B. (1994). Basic Statistics. Dubuque, Iowa: WCB


Tentative Course Schedule: Class sessions and laboratories will combine to provide the skills and knowledge of the research principles and procedures necessary for a successful class completion, as outlined below under Topics.





May. 07

Course description, class requirements and expectations; explanation and discussion of tests; explanation and discussion of lab assignment


Introduction to digital measurement

Introduction to Excel (1)

May 09

Research in Physical activities

Academic research requirements

Hypothesis – the research question

Ch1, Ch2

No Lab.

May 14

Introduction to research report

Method: data processing – qualitative & quantitative


Ch3, Ch7- Ch9

Evaluation of collected data

May 16

Concept of statistics

The normal distribution and z score



No Lab.

May 23

Correlation and regression

Hypothesis testing, probability, alpha value


Lab Quiz.

May 28




Data presentation

May 30

Contents of a research report




Ch3, Ch4

Lab Quiz.

June 04


Introduction: The literature review; Citation and references: APA format

Variables; Operational definitions


Correlation and regression

June 06

Method (cont.)

Research design

Ch5, Ch6

Lab Quiz.

June 11

Factorial analysis





June 13


Report results, presenting figures and tables


Lab Quiz.

June 18


Limitation and delimitation, Validity



Question session

June 20

Ethical Issues in Research


No Lab.

June 21



Lab Report Due


June 25

Final Exam 8:40 – 11:10 am

Laboratory Assignment



Choose one the following topics

1.      The determination of the correlation among segment lengths and body height (BH), and the estimation of segment lengths through regression

2.      The Differences in Segmental Lengths Judged by Gender



Purposes of the assignment



Evaluation of Lab. Assignment


Abstract (5 marks)


Introduction (5 marks)


Method (15 marks)


Results (10 marks)


Discussion (15 marks)


Conclusion (5 marks)


Reference (5 Marks)


Note: the detailed expectations of each part will be discussed during the lectures. It is advised to take class notes in preparation for the lab assignment throughout the whole course.



Research Areas

