Preferred Format of Research Report

All lab reports written as assignments should, according to the APA (American Psychology Association) format, include the following headings:

Optional sections

1 Abstract:

1.1 Problem under investigation

The purpose of the conducted research should be clearly defined in the abstract. (prefaced by a logical rationale for conducting the study)

1.2 Details on methodology

Provide a concise yet rigorous description of:
-Participants - who?
-Protocol - what?
-Techniques of data collection & analysis - how? (statistical, quantitative model comparison, …)

1.3 Results

Briefly state the results obtained including supporting data analysis.

1.4 Conclusions:

Sum up any implications or applications of findings. (what does this mean?)

2 Introduction

Normally, an introduction would include the following sections; however, the presence of a hypothesis may vary depending on the nature of the research:

2.1 Introducing the research problem

Briefly outline the impact of the examined problem.

2.2 Problem Relevance

Discuss in detail the relevance of the research (Why is the research important?).

2.3 Literature Review

Provide background knowledge and info on the current state of knowledge based on literatures (citations of previous and related works to show the limitation, delimitation and validity of previous research as well as the necessity of the proposed research).

2.4 Purpose of the study

Clearly state your research question (provide range of the study).

2.5 Presenting the research hypothesis

Please note, not all researches are motivated by a hypothesis; thus, this section may be absent. However, most scientists prefer its presence for it provides a clear expectation. At such, students are highly encourage to include a theoretical prediction under their introduction heading.

3. Method

3.1 Research Design

Include a step-by-step procedure of the experiment as well as any theories involved.

3.2 Subjects

Supply information on how the subjects were recruited and essential criteria such as age, gender, race, physical conditions...

3.3 Equipment

Highly-detailed descriptions of the Hardwares and Softwares utilized in the research are necessary.

3.4 Testing process

Describe how the tests are conducted (Mention the order in which the tests were conducted).

3.5 data processing

Illustrate method used for data processing and assessment.

4 Results

State the facts obtained from your data, NOT an interpretation of the observations!! Tables and/or Figures are advised to assist with data presentation.

5 Discussion

5.1 Statement of support / non-support for hypotheses

Answer the research question presented in the introduction.

5.2 Data interpretation

Indicate how research findings relate to / contribute to knowledge in field

5.3 Comparison

Discuss similarities or contradictions with other research studies and state the possible causes.

5.4 Limitation and Delimitation

Present possible short-comings of the study that were not / could not be controlled.

Indicate boundaries set by the researcher that limit the generalizability of findings.

5.5 Suggesting improvements for future studies.

6 Conclusion

Use 1 to 3 sentences to summarize the keys of this study:
-the most important findings
-the practical meanings of the findings

7 Reference

Provide a complete and accurate list of each article 'cited' in the paper (APA format). Include only cited work

8 Optional Sections

8.1 Author's Notes

Include acknowledgements:
-author gives credit where credit is due;
-recognition of supporting grant agencies;
-author's affiliation at time of data collection

8.2 Appendix

Attach important details that did not appear in text of paper, such as:
-copies of questionnaires
-copies of informed consent
-mathematical formulae

*Please note: The APA format will be discussed in finer details during lectures of KNES 2200



Research Areas

