In 2010, the University of Lethbridge was awarded a 6 year NSERC CREATE Grant. The NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program on Advanced Methods, Education and Training in Hyperspectral Science and Technology (AMETHYST) provides a variety of opportunities for undergraduate, M.Sc., Ph.D. and PDF trainees, including internships with our international partners.
Please contact
me for further information if interested in this research
program. Additional information on
research themes is listed
elsewhere on this site.
Areas of Teaching:
Derek Peddle’s primary research
interests are in the fields
of remote sensing, GIS, and Earth System Science modeling
in studies of global environmental change.
Using an integrated
research approach, key environmental indicators are being investigated in different parts
of the world at dynamic spatial and temporal scales.
Current attention is focused on forested
ecosystems, agriculture,
water, and mountainous terrain.
Airborne and satellite image processing linked with spatial
and multi-temporal GIS data analysis are used to extract
environmental information at spatial scales ranging from
centimetres to regional, continental and global areas. This
research also includes development of new algorithms and
software towards maximising the contribution of remote
and geographical information extraction in regional and
global change studies.
Opportunities exist for undergraduate and
advanced graduate
level training and research in these fields. Together with
new research initiatives, collaborative ties have also been
established with national and international scientists and
This research program
has received support from the following
agencies / programs:
- Remote
estimation of forest
biophysical parameters (biomass, LAI, NPP) in studies of
biospheric-atmospheric exchange within the global carbon
- Spectral mixture analysis and
canopy reflectance modeling of airborne and
satellite imagery
- Field studies:
analysis of
understorey reflectance in boreal forests
Collaborating scientist with
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
- Alpine and
montane land classification
and biophysical analysis using remote sensing
Digital terrain modelling and
image texture analysis
- Modeling
permafrost distribution
and active layer depth
- Deriving new
hydrological and
climatological variables using GIS
Study Areas:
Colorado Rocky
Mountains, USA.
Mountains, Eastern
- Spectral mixture analysis of
agricultural crops
- Multiscale field and airborne
remote sensing of biophysical properties
- Use of GIS, GPS in Precision
Agriculture and Water/Irrigation Studies
- P.I. on 2 Alberta Ingenuity Centre for Water Research (AICWR) projects.
To facilitate
advanced research
applications, I design and implement new algorithms in
which are not available in commercial remote sensing image
analysis and GIS packages. This has
involved software development
Geomorphometric processing
of digital elevation models
- Analysis and classification
of multisource data (e.g. GIS, optical/radar
imagery, DTM)
- Data processing
and analysis:
radar noise detection, sampling, reflectance
- Spectral Mixture Analysis and Canopy Reflectance Modeling of Biophysical Structural Information
PUBLICATIONS (as of 2007)
of current/former U. of L. student co-authors
underlined. |
Updated: 2007 |
Peddle, D.R., R.B. Boulton, N. Pilger, M. Bergeron and A. Hollinger, 2007. Hyperspectral Detection of Chemical Vegetation Stress: Evaluation for the Canadian HERO Satellite Mission. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing - Special Issue: HERO (in press).
Soenen, S.A., D.R. Peddle, C.A. Coburn, R.J. Hall, and F.G. Hall, 2007. Improved topographic correction of forest image data using a 3-D canopy reflectance model in multiple forward mode. International Journal of Remote Sensing. (in press).
Soenen, S.A. D.R. Peddle, C.A. Coburn, R.J. Hall, and F.G. Hall, 2007. Canopy Reflectance Model Inversion in Multiple Forward Mode: Forest Structural Information Retrieval from Solution Set Distributions. Photogrammetric Engineering and Remote Sensing. (in press).
Peddle, D.R., R.L. Johnson, J. Cihlar, S.G. Leblanc J.M. Chen and F.G. Hall, 2007. Physically-Based Inversion Modeling for Unsupervised Cluster Labeling, Independent Forest Classification and LAI Estimation using MFM-5-Scale. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 33(3): 214-225.
Xu, S., D.R. Peddle, C.A. Coburn and S.W. Kienzle, 2007. Remote Sensing of Net Primary Productivity and Carbon Dynamics in a Rocky Mountain Watershed, Kananaskis Alberta: Sensitivity of the BEPS Model to Climatic, Water, Terrain and Forest Biophysical Parameters. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing (submitted) (now: accepted).
Eddy, P.R., A.M. Smith, B.D. Hill, D.R. Peddle, C.A. Coburn and R.E. Blackshaw, 2007. Hybrid Segmentation - Classification of Very High Resolution Ground-Based Hyperspectral Imagery for Site-Specific Herbicide Management in Agriculture. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing: Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence in Remote Sensing. (submitted) (now: in press).
Van Gaalen, K.E., L.B. Flanagan and D.R. Peddle, 2007. Photosynthesis, chlorophyll fluorescence and spectral reflectance in Sphagnum moss at varying water contents. Oecologia. 153:19–28
Coburn, C.A. and D.R. Peddle, 2006. A Low-Cost Field and Laboratory Goniometer System for Hyperspectral Bi-directional Reflectance Estimation. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing 32 (3):244-253.
Peddle, D.R. and A.M. Smith, 2005. Spectral Mixture Analysis of Agricultural Crops: Endmember Validation and Biophysical Estimation in Potato Plots. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 26 (22): 4959–4979
Peddle, D.R., N.J. Rabe, S.A. Soenen, and D.L. Johnson, 2005. Derivation of Topoclimatic Indices for Alpine Snowpack Analysis in Alberta Rocky Mountain Watersheds. In, International Proceedings (peer-reviewed): Canada-US Eastern Snow Conference, Waterloo ON., Canada June 7-11, 2005. Published at ERDC-CRREL, Hanover, New Hampshire, USA. ISBN 0-920081-27-4; ISSN: 0424-1932. p 173-190.
Full paper submitted June 15/05; Revised Aug 8/05; Accepted in final form: August 12, 2005.
Soenen, S.A., D.R. Peddle and C.A. Coburn, 2005. SCS+C: A Modified Sun-Canopy-Sensor Topographic Correction in Forested Terrain. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing. 43(9): 2149-2160.
Théau, J., D.R. Peddle and C.R. Duguay, 2005. Mapping Lichen in a Caribou Habitat of Northern Quebec Canada, using an Enhancement-Classification Method and Spectral Mixture Analysis. Remote Sensing of Environment 94: 232–243.
Peddle, D.R., R.L. Johnson, J. Cihlar and R. Latifovic, 2004. Large Area Forest Classification and Biophysical Parameter Estimation using the 5-Scale Canopy Reflectance Model in Multiple-Forward Mode. Remote Sensing of Environment BOREAS Special Issue 89(2):252-263.
Gamon, J.A., K.F. Huemmrich, D.R. Peddle, J. Chen, D. Fuentes, F.G. Hall, J. S. Kimball, S. Goetz, J. Gu, K.C. McDonald, J.R. Miller, M. Moghaddam, A.F. Rahman, J.-L. Roujean, E.A. Smith, C.L. Walthall, P. Zarco-Tejada, B. Hu, R.Fernandes and J. Cihlar, 2004. Remote Sensing in BOREAS: Lessons Learned. Remote Sensing of Environment BOREAS Special Issue 89(2):139-162.
Peddle, D.R., P.M. Teillet and M.A. Wulder, 2003. Radiometric Image Processing. Invited Book Chapter (refereed – international peer review), In, "Remote Sensing of Forest Environments: Concepts and Case Studies" (Eds.: M.A. Wulder and S.E. Franklin) Kluwer Academic Press, London/Dordrecht/Boston (Norwell, Massachusetts, USA). pp.181-208.
Peddle, D.R., S.E. Franklin, R.L. Johnson, M.A. Lavigne and M.A. Wulder, 2003. Structural Change Detection in a Disturbed Conifer Forest Using a Geometric Optical Reflectance Model in Multiple-Forward Mode. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing 41(1): 163-166.
Hall. R.J., D.P. Davidson and D.R. Peddle, 2003. Ground and Remote Estimation of Leaf Area Index in Rocky Mountain Forest Stands, Kananaskis, Alberta. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. Special Issue on Remote Sensing of LAI. 29(3): 411-427
Cihlar, J., B. Guindon, J. Beaubien, R. Latifovic, D. Peddle, M.Wulder, R. Fernandes, J. Kerr, 2003. From Need to Product: A Methodology for Completing a Land Cover Map of Canada using Landsat Imagery. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. Special Issue on Landsat-7. Vol. 29(2): 171-186.
Peddle, D.R. and D.T. Ferguson, 2002. Optimisation of Multisource Data Analysis using Evidential Reasoning for GIS Data Classification. Computers & Geosciences. (Elsevier International, U.K.) 28(1):45-52.
Franklin, S.E., D.R. Peddle, J.A. Dechka, and G.B. Stenhouse, 2002. Evidential Reasoning with Landsat TM, DEM, and GIS Data for Landcover Classification in Support of Grizzly Bear Habitat Mapping. International Journal of Remote Sensing. 23(21): 4633-4652.
Chen, J., G. Pavlic, L. Brown, J. Cihlar, S.G. Leblanc, H.P. White, R.J. Hall, D.R. Peddle, D.J. King, J.A. Trofymow, E. Swift, J. Van der Sanden and P.K.E.Pellikka, 2002. Derivation and Validation of Canada-wide Coarse-Resolution Leaf Area Index Maps using High Resolution Satellite Imagery and Ground Measurements. Remote Sensing of Environment. 80(1): 165-184.
Peddle, D.R., H.P. White, R.J. Soffer, J.R. Miller and E.F. LeDrew, 2001. Reflectance Processing of Remote Sensing Spectroradiometer Data. Computers & Geosciences. (Elsevier International, U.K.). 27: 203-213.
Peddle, D.R., S.P. Brunke, and F.G. Hall, 2001. A Comparison of Spectral Mixture Analysis and Ten Vegetation Indices for Estimating Boreal Forest Biophysical Information from Airborne Data. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 27(6): 627-635.
Franklin, S.E., G.B. Stenhouse, C. Popplewell, M. J. Hansen, J.A. Dechka and D.R. Peddle, 2001. An Integrated Decision Tree Approach (IDTA) to Mapping Landcover using Satellite Remote Sensing in Support of Grizzly Bear Habitat Analysis in the Alberta Yellowhead Ecosystem.Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 27(6): 579-592.
Peddle, D.R. and R.L. Johnson, 2000. Spectral Mixture Analysis of Airborne Remote Sensing Imagery for Improved Prediction of Leaf Area Index in Mountainous Terrain, Kananaskis Alberta. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 26(3): 176-187.
Hall, R.J., D.R. Peddle and D.L. Klita, 2000. Mapping Conifer Understory Within Boreal Mixedwoods from Landsat TM Satellite Imagery and Forest Inventory Information. The Forestry Chronicle. 76(6):75-90.
Peddle, D.R., F.G. Hall and E.F. LeDrew, 1999. Spectral Mixture Analysis and Geometric Optical Reflectance Modeling of Boreal Forest Biophysical Structure. Remote Sensing of Environment. (Elsevier International, USA). 67(3), p. 288-297.
Peddle, D.R., 1999. Integration of a Geometric Optical Reflectance Model with an Evidential Reasoning Image Classifier for Improved Forest Information Extraction. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. Special Issue on Remote Sensing Models and Image Processing. 25(2), p. 189-196.
Peddle, D.R. and C.R. Duguay, 1998. Mountain Terrain Analysis using a Knowledge Based Interface to a GIS. Geomatica 52(3), p. 145-163.
Piwowar, J.M., D.R. Peddle and E.F. LeDrew, 1998. Temporal Mixture Analysis of Arctic Sea Ice Imagery: A New Approach for Monitoring Environmental Change. Remote Sensing of Environment (Elsevier International, USA). 63(3), p. 195-207.
Peddle, D.R., F.G. Hall, E.F. LeDrew and D.E. Knapp, 1997. Classification of Forest Land Cover in BOREAS. II: Comparison of Results from a Sub-pixel Scale Physical Modeling Approach and a Training Based Method. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. Special Issue: BOREAS. 23(2), p. 131-142.
Miller, J., P.White, J.Chen, D.Peddle, G.McDermid, R.Fournier, P.Shepherd, I.Rubinstein, J.Freemantle, R.Soffer and E.LeDrew, 1997. Seasonal Change in Understorey Reflectance of Boreal Forests and Influence on Canopy Vegetation Indices. Journal of Geophysical Research. Special Issue: BOREAS. 102(D24): 29,475-29,482.
Hall, F.G., D.R. Peddle, and E.F. LeDrew, 1996. Remote Sensing of Biophysical Variables in Boreal Forest Stands of Picea mariana. International Journal of Remote Sensing (Taylor and Francis, U.K.) 17(15), p. 3077-3081.
Duguay, C.R. and D.R. Peddle, 1996. Comparison of Evidential Reasoning and Neural Network Approaches in a Multisource Classification of Alpine Tundra Vegetation. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 22(4), p. 433-440.
Peddle, D.R., 1995. Knowledge Formulation for Supervised Evidential Classification. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing (ASPRS, USA). 61(4), p. 409-417.
Peddle, D.R., 1995. MERCURY+: An Evidential Reasoning Image Classifier. Computers & Geosciences (Elsevier International, U.K.). 21(10), p. 1163-1176.
Peddle, D.R. and C.R. Duguay, 1995. Incorporating Topographic and Climatic GIS Data into Satellite Image Analysis of an Alpine Tundra Ecosystem, Front Range, Colorado Rocky Mountains. Geocarto International 10(4), p. 43-60.
Franklin, S.E., M.B.Lavigne, E.R. Hunt Jr., B.A.Wilson, D.R. Peddle, G.J. McDermid, and P.T. Giles, 1995. Topographic Dependence of Synthetic Aperture Radar Imagery. Computers & Geosciences (Elsevier International, U.K.). 21(4), p.521-532.
Peddle, D.R., G.M. Foody, A. Zhang, S.E. Franklin, and E.F. LeDrew, 1994. Image Classification II: An Empirical Comparison of Different Approaches. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. Special Issue on Multisource Spatial Data Analysis. 20(4), p. 396-407.
Peddle, D.R. and S.E. Franklin, 1993. Classification of Permafrost Active Layer Depth from Remotely Sensed and Topographic Evidence. Remote Sensing of Environment 44(1):67-80
Peddle, D.R., 1993. An Empirical Comparison of Evidential Reasoning, Linear Discriminant Analysis and Maximum Likelihood Algorithms for Alpine Land Cover Classification. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing. 19(1), p. 31-44.
Peddle, D.R. and S.E. Franklin, 1992. Multisource Evidential Classification of Surface Cover and Frozen Ground. International Journal of Remote Sensing 13(17): 3375-3380.
Peddle, D.R. and S.E. Franklin, 1991. Image Texture Processing and Data Integration for Surface Pattern Discrimination. Photogrammetric Engineering & Remote Sensing. 57(4):413-420.
Franklin, S.E., D.R. Peddle, B.A. Wilson and C.F. Blodgett, 1991. Pixel Sampling of Remotely Sensed Digital Imagery. Computers & Geosciences (Elsevier, U.K.). 17(6), p.759-775.
Peddle, D.R. and S.E. Franklin, 1990. GEDEMON: A Fortran-77 Program for Restoration and Derivative Processing of Digital Image Data. Computers & Geosciences.16(5), p.669 - 696.
Franklin, S.E. and D.R. Peddle, 1990. Classification of SPOT HRV Imagery and Texture Features. International Journal of Remote Sensing (Taylor and Francis, U.K.) 11(3), p. 551 - 556.
Franklin, S.E., D.R. Peddle and J.E. Moulton, 1989. Spectral/Geomorphometric Discrimination and Mapping of Terrain, Gros Morne National Park. Canadian J. Remote Sensing 15(1):28-42.
Franklin, S.E. and D.R. Peddle, 1989. Spectral Texture for Improved Class Discrimination in Complex Terrain. International Journal of Remote Sensing 10(8): 1437-1443.
Franklin, S.E. and D.R. Peddle, 1987. Texture Analysis of Digital Image Data Using Spatial Co-occurrence. Computers & Geosciences (Elsevier , U.K.). 13(3), p. 293-311.
Names of current/former students underlined:
Dechka, J.A., D.R. Peddle, S.E. Franklin, and G.B. Stenhouse. Grizzly Bear Habitat Mapping using Evidential Reasoning and Maximum Likelihood Classifiers. In, Proceedings, Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. Best Paper of the Year.
Peddle, D.R., E.F. LeDrew and H.M. Holden. Spectral Mixture Analysis of Coral Reef Abundance from Satellite Imagery and In Situ Ocean Spectra, Savusavu Bay, Fiji. International Conference on Remote Sensing of Marine and Coastal Environments,
International Best Paper Award - Ocean Mapping and Remote Sensing; and Citation for: “Innovation in Remote Sensing of Water”.
Peddle, D.R., F.G. Hall, and E.F. LeDrew. Spectral Mixture Analysis and Geometric-Optical Reflectance Modeling of Boreal Forest Biophysical Structure, Superior National Forest, Minnesota USA. In: Proceedings, Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing. National Best Paper Award
Piwowar, J.M., D.R. Peddle and D.P. Davidson. Assessing Annual Forest Ecological Change in Western Canada using Temporal Mixture Analysis of Regional Scale AVHRR Imagery over a 14 year period. Proceedings, International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference Best Paper Award - Forestry.
Peddle, D.R. and C.R. Duguay. A Rule-Based Algorithm for Advanced GIS Data Analysis in Mountainous Terrain. International Conference on Geomatics, Best Paper / Presentation Award.
Peddle, D.R., F.G. Hall and E.F. LeDrew. A Comparison of NDVI and Spectral Mixture Analysis for Estimating Biophysical Properties in Boreal Forest Terrain. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium NASA Best Paper Workshop Award.
SELECTED OTHER SYMPOSIUM PROCEEDINGS PAPERS: (Current/former students underlined): Last
Updated: 2007
Peddle, D.R., R.J. Hall, C.D. Jackson, S.A. Soenen, M.R. Gibb and D.T. Juhlin, 2007. MFM Canopy Reflectance Modeling and Normalized Burn Ratio Assessment of Pre-Fire Overstory Canopy Structure and Post-Fire Burn Severity at the Lost Creek Fire, Alberta Rocky Mountains. In: Proceedings, 28th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing / American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Conference; Ottawa ON. Canada. 28 October – 1 Nov. 2007 (12 p. on CD.)
Hopkinson, C., M. Hayashi, K. Miller and D.Peddle, 2007. Comparing alpine drainage basin attributes derived from three independent DEM sources. In: Proceedings, 28th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing / American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Conference; Ottawa ON. Canada. 28 October – 1 Nov. 2007 [CD-ROM].
Soenen, S.A. D.R. Peddle, R.J. Hall and C.A. Coburn, 2007. Multiple Forward Mode Canopy Reflectance Model Inversion for Above Ground Forest Biomass, Alberta Rocky Mountains. In: Proceedings, 28th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing / American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Conference; Ottawa ON. Canada. 28 October – 1 Nov. 2007 (12 p. on CD.)
Eddy, P.R., A.M. Smith, B.D. Hill, D.R. Peddle, C.A. Coburn and R.E. Blackshaw, 2007. Improved Site-Specific Herbicide Management using Artificial Neural Networks and Hyperspectral Image Data. In: Proceedings, 28th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing / American Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ASPRS) Conference;Ottawa ON. Canada. 28 October – 1 Nov. 2007 (12 p. on CD.)
Piwowar, J.M., D.R. Peddle and D.J. Sauchyn, 2006. Identifying Ecological Variability in Vegetation Dynamics through Temporal Mixture Analysis. In, Proceedings, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’06) and 27th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 31-Aug 4, 2006. [CD-ROM].
Soenen, S.A., D.R. Peddle, C.A. Coburn, R.J. Hall, 2006. Assessment of Multiple Forward Mode Inversion Solutions from a Forest Canopy Reflectance Model. In, Proceedings, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’06) and 27th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 31-Aug 4, 2006. [CD-ROM].
Eddy, P.R., A.M. Smith, B.D. Hill, D.R. Peddle, C.A. Coburn and R.E. Blackshaw, 2006. Comparison of neural network and maximum likelihood high resolution image classification for weed detection in crops: Applications in precision agriculture. In, Proceedings, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’06) and 27th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Denver, Colorado, USA, July 31-Aug 4, 2006. [CD-ROM].
Soenen, S.A., Peddle, D.R. and Coburn, C. A., 2005. A Canopy Reflectance Based Topographic Normalization Approach for Forested Terrain. Proceedings of the SPIE Europe International Symposium on Remote Sensing. September 19-22, 2005. Bruges, Belgium.
Peddle, D.R., N.J. Rabe, S.A. Soenen and D. Johnson, 2005. Landcover Classification using Remote Sensing, DEM Derivatives and Topoclimatic Indices in an Alberta Rocky Mountain Watershed. Proceedings of the 26th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, 14-16 June, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada
Coburn, C. A. and Peddle, D.R. 2005. A Low-Cost Field and Laboratory Goniometer System for Estimating Hyperspectral Bi-directional Reflectance of Vegetation Canopies. Proceedings of the 26th Canadian Remote Sensing Symposium,. June 11-13, 2005, Wolfville, NS, Canada.
Soenen, S.A., Peddle, D.R. and Coburn, C. A., 2005. Topographic correction in forested terrain using sun-canopy-sensor geometry and canopy reflectance models. Proceedings of the 26th Canadian Remote Sensing Symposium,. June 11-13, 2005, Wolfville, NS, Canada.
Rabe, N.J., D.R. Peddle, and A.M. Smith, 2005. Early Season Spectral Mixture Analysis for Estimation of LAI and Biomass in Canola, Wheat and Pea Crops. In Proceedings, 26th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, June 14-16, 2005. CD-ROM.
Eddy, P.R., Smith, A.M., Coburn, C., Peddle, D.R., and R.E.Blackshaw, 2005. Weed Detection through Segmentation of Ground-Based Hyperspectral Remote Sensing Imagery. In Proceedings, 26th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Wolfville, Nova Scotia, June 14-16, 2005. CD-ROM.
Peddle, D.R. and A.M. Smith, 2004. Spectral mixture analysis of potato crops under different irrigation regimes. Proceedings: 2004 Confronting Water Scarcity – Challenges and Choices Conference. University of Lethbridge, July 13-16, 2004.
Peddle, D.R. and D.W. Fitzpatrick, 2004. The Water Institute for Semi-arid Ecosystems: Research Themes and Priorities. Proceedings: 2004 Confronting Water Scarcity – Challenges and Choices Conference. University of Lethbridge, July 13-16, 2004.
Smith, A.M. and D.R. Peddle, 2004. Remote sensing of crop moisture stress using vegetation indices. Proceedings: 2004 Confronting Water Scarcity – Challenges and Choices Conference. University of Lethbridge, July 13-16, 2004.
Théau, J.*, D.R. Peddle and C. R. Duguay, 2003. Enhancement-Classification and Spectral Mixture Analysis of Caribou Lichen Habitats, Northern Québec, Canada. In, Proceedings, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’03). Toulouse, France. July 21-25, 2003. Institute for Electrical and Electronic Engineers, USA. CD-ROM. [*Note: Jérôme Théau: Visiting Ph.D. student (2002) at U.Lethbridge from France, U.Laval]
Rabe, N.J., D.R. Peddle, A.M. Smith and W. Xu, 2003. Spectral Mixture Analysis for Early Season Estimation of Crop Biophysical Parameters. In, Proceedings, 25th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Montreal, PQ., Canada. Oct. 14-17, 2003. (CD-ROM)
Soenen, S.A., D.R. Peddle and C. Coburn, 2003. Topographic correction of remote sensing imagery using a canopy reflectance model. In, Proceedings, 25th Canadian Symp. on Remote Sensing, Montreal, PQ., Canada. Oct. 14-17, 2003. (CD-ROM)
Peddle, D.R., J.E. Luther, N. Pilger and D. Piercey, 2003. Forest biomass estimation using a physically-based 3-D structural modeling approach for Landsat TM cluster labeling. In, Proceedings, 25th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Montreal, PQ., Canada. Oct. 14-17, 2003. (CD-ROM)
Pilger, N., D.R. Peddle and R.J. Hall, 2003. Forest Volume Estimation using a Canopy Reflectance Model in Multiple-Forward-Mode. In, Proceedings, 25th Canadian Symp on Remote Sensing, Montreal, PQ., Canada. Oct. 14-17, 2003. (CD-ROM)
Peddle, D.R., R.L. Johnson, J. Cihlar, B. Guindon and R. Latifovic, 2002. Large Area Forest Classification and Biophysical Parameter Estimation using the MFM-5-Scale Reflectance Model. In, Proceedings, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symp (IGARSS’02) / 24th Canadian Symp on Remote Sensing, Toronto, Canada. June 24-28, 2002. (CD-ROM)
Pilger, N., D.R. Peddle and J.E. Luther, 2002. Estimation of Forest Cover Type and Structure from Landsat TM Imagery using a Canopy Reflectance Model for Biomass Mapping in Western Newfoundland. In, Proceedings, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’02) / 24th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Toronto, ON., Canada. June 24-28, 2002. (CD-ROM)
Rabe, N.J., D.R. Peddle and A.M. Smith, 2002. Spectral Mixture Analysis of Potato Crops Under Different Irrigation Regimes. In, Proceedings, IEEE International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’02) / 24th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Toronto, ON., Canada. June 24-28, 2002.
Peddle, D.R., R.L. Johnson, B. Guindon, R. Latifovic, G. Fedosejevs, G. Pavlic and J. Cihlar, 2001. Forest Classification by Multiple-Forward-Mode 5-Scale Modeling. In, Proceedings, 23rd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Quebec City, PQ., Canada. August 21-24, 2001. p.79-87.
Peddle, D.R., S.E. Franklin, R.L. Johnson, M.B. Lavigne and M.A. Wulder, 2001. Physically-Based Multiple-Forward-Mode Reflectance Modeling of Forest Partial Harvest Change, Fundy Model Forest, New Brunswick. In, Proceedings, 23rd Canadian Symp on Remote Sensing, Quebec City, PQ., Canada. August 21-24, 2001. p.839-848.
Peddle, D.R., R.L. Johnson, J. Cihlar, S.G. Leblanc and J.M. Chen, 2000. MFM-5-Scale: A Physically-Based Inversion Modeling Approach for Unsupervised Cluster Labeling and Independent Landcover Classification and Description. In, Proceedings, 22nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Victoria, BC., Canada. August 21-25, 2000. p.477-486.
Peddle, D.R., S.P. Reid, F.G. Hall and R.L. Johnson, 2000. A Comparison of Spectral Mixture Analysis and Ten Vegetation Indices for Estimating Boreal Forest Biophysical Information. In, Proceedings, 22nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Victoria, BC., Canada. August 21-25, 2000. p.745-754.
Davidson, D.P., R.J. Hall, D.R. Peddle and R.L. Johnson, 2000. A Comparison of Optical Methods for Estimating Leaf Area Index in Forest Stands. In, Proceedings, 22nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Victoria, BC., Canada. August 21-25, 2000. p.653-660
Johnson, R.L., D.R. Peddle and R.J. Hall, 2000. A modeled-based sub-pixel scale mountain terrain normalization algorithm for improved LAI estimation from airborne casi imagery. In, Proceedings, 22nd Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Victoria, BC., Canada. August 21-25, 2000. p.415-424.
Hall, R.J., D.R. Peddle, and D.L. Klita, 2000. Mapping Conifer Understory From Satellite Imagery. In, Proceedings, GIS and Remote Sensing for Sustainable Forest Management. Networks Centres of Excellence - Sustainable Forest Management. Edmonton, AB. Feb 23-25, 2000.
Dechka, J.A., D.R. Peddle, S.E. Franklin, and G.B. Stenhouse, 2000. Grizzly Bear Habitat Mapping using Evidential Reasoning. In, Proceedings, Circumpolar Remote Sensing Conference, Yellowknife, N.W.T., Canada. June 1 - 4, 2000. (10 p., CD-ROM)
Peddle, D.R., A.M. Smith, C. Ivie, M. Bullock and S. Russell, 1999. Spectral Mixture Analysis of Agricultural Crops under Different Irrigation Regimes: Scene Fraction Validation in Potato Plots. Proceedings, 4th International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and 21st Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing: Ottawa, Canada, June 20-24, 1999. Vol II,275-282.
Peddle, D.R., 1999. Improved Forest Information Extraction Through Integration of a Canopy Reflectance Model and an Evidential Reasoning Classifier. Proceedings, 4th International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and 21st CRSS: Ottawa. Vol. II:115-122.
Peddle, D.R., D.P. Davidson, R.L. Johnson and R.J. Hall, 1999. Airborne Image Texture and Mixture Analysis of a Forest Scale Continuum: A Comparison With NDVI Biophysical Estimates, Kananaskis Alberta. Proceedings, 4th International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and 21st CRSS: Ottawa. Vol. II, p. 848-855.
Johnson, R.L., D.R. Peddle, R.J. Hall and S. Mah, 1999. Spectral Mixture Analysis of Montane Forest Biophysical Parameters: A Comparison of Endmembers from Airborne Imagery and a Field Spectroradiometer. Proceedings, 4th International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and 21st CRSS: Ottawa.. Vol. II, p. 107-114.
Smith, A.M., D.R. Peddle and T.C. Foster, 1999. Detection of Moisture Stress in Potatoes using Multispectral Remote Sensing. Proceedings, 4th International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and 21st CRSS: Ottawa. Vol. II, p. 283-289.
Hall, R.J., D.R. Peddle and D.L. Klita, 1999. Application of maximum likelihood and evidential reasoning classifiers for mapping conifer understory. Proceedings, 4th International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and 21st CRSS: Ottawa. Vol. II, p. 163-170.
Chen, J., L. Brown, J. Cihlar, S. Leblanc, R. Hall, D. Peddle, D. King, J. Trofymow, E. Swift, J. Van der Sanden and G. Pavlic, 1999. Validation of Canada-wide LAI/FPAR Maps from Satellite Imagery. Proceedings, 4th International Airborne Remote Sensing Conference and 21st CRSS: Ottawa. Vol. II 123-130.
Peddle, D.R., 1998. Field Spectroradiometer Data Acquisition and Processing for Spectral Mixture Analysis in Forestry and Agriculture. First International Conference on Geospatial Information in Agriculture and Forestry. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. June 1-3/98. ERIM International. Vol 2, p. 645 - 652.
Peddle, D.R., and D.T. Ferguson, 1998. Optimisation of knowledge formulation for evidential reasoning classification. 20th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Calgary, AB., Canada. May 11-14, 1998. p. 141-144.
Peddle, D.R., K. Storteboom, and C.R. Duguay, 1998. Information Content of Satellite, Topographic and Climatic Data for Modeling Snow Probability in the Colorado Rockies. 20th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Calgary, AB., Canada. p. 231-234.
Johnson, R.L., and D.R. Peddle, 1998. Spectral Mixture Analysis of Airborne Multispectral Video Imagery in Mountainous Terrain, Kananaskis Alberta: Multi-scale Scene Fraction Validation. 20th Canadian Symp. on Remote Sensing, Calgary, AB., Canada. p. 203-206.
Peddle, D.R., 1997. Geomatics Education and Research at the Department of Geography, University of Lethbridge. 9th International Conference on Geomatics / 19th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Ottawa, ON., Canada. 12 p. Published on CD-ROM.
Peddle, D.R., F.G. Hall, and E.F. LeDrew, 1997. Estimating Regional Scale Biophysical Parameters in BOREAS using Spectral Mixture Analysis Coupled with Radiative Transfer Models. II: Scene Stratification by Evidential Reasoning. 9th International Conference on Geomatics / 19th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Ottawa, ON., Canada. 7 p. Published on CD-ROM.
Peddle, D.R., F.G. Hall and E.F. LeDrew, 1996. Remote Sensing of Boreal Forest Biophysical Variables using Spectral Mixture Analysis and a Canopy Reflectance Model. 26th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment / 18th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Vancouver, BC. p. 418-421.
Peddle, D.R., E.F. LeDrew and H.M. Holden, 1996. Remote Estimation of Coral Reef Abundance and Depth from SPOT Image Spectral Mixture Analysis and Ocean Profile Spectra, Fiji. 26th International Symposium on Remote Sensing of Environment / 18th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Vancouver, BC. p. 555-558.
LeDrew, E.F., H.M. Holden, D.R. Peddle, and J.Morrow, 1996. Mapping Coral Ecosystem Stress in Fiji from SPOT Imagery with In Situ Optical Correction. 26th International Symp. on Remote Sensing of Environment / 18th CSRS, Vancouver, BC. p. 581-584.
LeDrew, E.F., H.M. Holden, D.R. Peddle, and D.Knight, 1996. Spectral Measures of Coral Ecosystem Stress Derived from SPOT Satellite Imagery. Eco-Informa’96. Lake Buena Vista, Florida, USA. 4-7 November 1996. p. 100-106.
Peddle, D.R.and C.R. Duguay, 1996. An Approach for Integrating GIS and Remote Sensing Data for Alpine Terrain Analysis. Proceedings, 9th Conference - Quebec Remote Sensing Association, Université Laval, Quebec. 8 p., published on CD-ROM.
Peddle, D.R., E.F. LeDrew and H.M. Holden, 1996. Optical Correction of Scene Fractions for Estimating Regional Scale Coral Abundance in Fiji. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’96), Lincoln, Nebraska, USA. Vol I: 427-429.
Peddle, D.R., 1996. An Integrated GIS Approach to Environmental Modeling of Arctic Surface Hydrology. Third International Conference on Integrating GIS and Environmental Modeling, National Center for Geographic Information and Analysis, NCGIA. Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA. Published on CD-ROM, also on WWW:
Holden, H.M., D.R. Peddle and E.F. LeDrew, 1996. Fluorescence as a Potential Indicator of Coral Health. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’96), Lincoln, NB, USA. Vol I: 88-90.
Piwowar, J.M., D.R. Peddle and E.F. LeDrew, 1996. Temporal Mixture Analysis of Sea Ice Concentrations in the Canadian Arctic Archipelago. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’96), Lincoln, NB, USA. Vol II: 938-940.
Fernandes, R., H.P. White, D.R. Peddle, J.R. Miller, and L.E. Band, 1996. The Reflectance of Pleurozium Scheberi as a Function of Water Status and its Implications on Understorey Reflectance Variations for BOREAS Sites. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’96), Lincoln, NB, USA. Vol I: 212-214.
Peddle, D.R., F.G. Hall, W.Wanner and E.F. LeDrew, 1995. Remote Sensing of Photosynthetic Activity in Boreal Forest Stands using Spectral Mixture Analysis and Geometric-Optical Reflectance Models. In: Proceedings, 10th International Congress on Photosynthesis and Remote Sensing, Montpellier, France, 28-31 August 1995. p. 159-170.
Hall, F.G., D.R. Peddle, and E.F. LeDrew, 1995. Remote Sensing of Biophysical Variables in Boreal Stands of Picea Mariana. In: Proceedings, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’95). 10-14 July 1995, Florence, Italy. Vol II, 976-977.
LeDrew, E.F., H.M. Holden, D.R. Peddle, J.Morrow, R.Murphy, and W.Bour, 1995. Towards a Procedure for Mapping Coral Stress from SPOT Imagery with In Situ Optical Correction. Third Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing of Marine and Coastal Environments, Seattle WA, 18-20 September 1995. Vol. I, p.211-219.
Peddle, D.R., H.P. White, R.J. Soffer, J.R. Miller, and E.F. LeDrew, 1995. Reflectance Processing of Field Spectrometer Data in BOREAS. In: Proceedings, 17th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Vol. I, p. 189-194.
White, H.P., J.R. Miller, J. Chen and D.R. Peddle, 1995. Seasonal Change in Mean Understorey Reflectance for BOREAS Sites: Preliminary Results. In: Proceedings, 17th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Vol. I, p. 182-187.
McDermid, G.J., D.R. Peddle and E.F. LeDrew, 1995. An Overview of BOREAS Remote Sensing Research at the Earth-Observations Laboratory, University of Waterloo. In: Proceedings, 17th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Saskatoon, SK, Canada. Vol. I, p. 195-200.
Peddle, D.R., C.R. Duguay and G. Deschamps, 1993. Use of Ancillary Climate Data in Satellite Image Analysis of an Alpine Tundra Ecosystem, Front Range, Colorado Rocky Mountains. In: Proceedings, 16th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Sherbrooke, PQ, Canada. p. 215-220.
Peddle, D.R., 1992. A Comparison of Landcover Classification by Maximum Likelihood, Linear Discriminant Analysis and Evidential Reasoning. In: Proc., 15th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Toronto. p.419-422.
Peddle, D.R., 1992. Evidential Reasoning for Knowledge Integration of Disparate Data in Geographic Information Systems. In: Proceedings, Fourth International Conference on Geographic Information Systems / Canadian Conference on GIS, Ottawa. p. 81-90.
Peddle, D.R. and S.E. Franklin, 1991. Evidential Theory for Multi-source Data Modeling in Complex Environments. In: Proceedings, 14th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Calgary, AB, Canada. p. 24-29.
Peddle, D.R. and S.E. Franklin, 1990. Collateral Image Processing and Integration for Landscape Pattern Discrimination. In: Proceedings, Fifth Australasian Remote Sensing Conference, Perth, Western Australia, Vol. 2, p. 1273-1282.
Peddle, D.R. and S.E. Franklin, 1990. Radar, Spectral and Topographic Image Processing for Surface Pattern Differentiation, Gros Morne National Park. In: Proceedings, 13th Canadian Symposium on Remote Sensing, Fredericton, NB, Canada. p. 361-375.
Peddle, D.R. and S.E. Franklin, 1989. High Resolution Satellite Image Texture for Moderate Relief Terrain Analysis. In: Proc., International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium / 12th Canadian Sym. on Remote Sensing, Vancouver. Vol. 2, p. 653-655.
Moulton, J.E. and D.R. Peddle, 1989. Assessment of the Information Content of C-Band SAR in Forest Monitoring Activities. In: Proc., International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium / 12th Canadian Sym. on Remote Sensing, Vancouver. Vol.3, p.1406-1409.
Peddle, D.R., 1989. Context Processing of Sea Ice SAR Imagery. In: Proceedings, International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium (IGARSS’89) / 12th Canadian Sym. on Remote Sensing, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. Vol.5, p.2795-2798.
Franklin, S.E., D.R. Peddle, and R.T. Gillespie, 1989. Image Processing and Data Integration Techniques for Improved Geological Mapping in the Buchans Area, Central Newfoundland. In: Proceedings, ERIM Seventh Thematic Conference on Remote Sensing for Exploration Geology, Calgary, AB, Canada. Vol. 2, p. 1039-1050.
Franklin, S.E. and D.R. Peddle, 1988. Surface Texture Analysis of Digital Image and Terrain Data. In: Proc., Fall Technical Meeting of ASPRS/ACSM, Virginia Beach, USA, p.92-98.
There are potential graduate school and other opportunities for qualified and motivated individuals including Masters, Doctoral, Post-Doctoral and other staff posts.
Environment for Graduate Student and Post Doc
D.Peddle’s research lab is well
equipped with graphic workstation
computers, PCs, and a variety of GIS and remote sensing
software and peripherals (e.g. PCI, ENVI,
/ View, Map-Info, large roll plotter for posters, etc.).
Highly detailed spectral measurement of ground samples is
achieved in a Spectroradiometry Laboratory for dedicated
studies and field/model validation of remote sensing image
products. Field and laboratory equipment includes ASD-FR
Spectroradiometers, a Trimble ProXRS Global Positioning System
(GPS), a hemispherical digital photography system, a TRAC
system and LAI-2000 units for obtaining LAI information, access to a field portable and laboratory goniometer for BRDF studies, as well as a variety
of other field measurement instruments.
In 2010, the University of Lethbridge was awarded a 6 year NSERC CREATE Grant. The NSERC Collaborative Research and Training Experience (CREATE) Program on Advanced Methods, Education and Training in Hyperspectral Science and Technology (AMETHYST) provides a variety of opportunities for undergraduate, M.Sc., Ph.D. and PDF trainees, including internships with our international partners.
I am currently National Past-Chair/Président on the Executive of
the Canadian Remote Sensing Society
(CRSS) / Société canadienne de télédétection (SCT), having previously
served as National Chair, Vice-Chair, Secretary-Treasurer and Prairie Provinces Regional Chair (Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba).
My main personal
interest is
my family: my wife and 2 children, and our dogs (Labrador
Retrievers), cats (~2) and various other creatures. I also enjoy league sports
(especially ice hockey and soccer) and outdoor recreation
such as mountain biking, skiing, scuba diving, hiking, and
exploring the large river valleys and parks in and around
Lethbridge as well as the diverse landforms and nearby Rocky
Mountains of southern Alberta and south-eastern BC.
Dr. Derek R.