VRF Guidelines for Interview

March 28, 2001

In preparing for this interview I had to decide which questions I should ask. This forced me to reflect on the primary goal of the research project.

The primary goal is to “better understand how staff are being affected by the internet with a particular focus on online instruction”.

I have a total of 10 open-ended questions that I would like to ask.

My first question is simply a restatement of the research goal. I’ll give the complete question, then we can go back over the two parts.

Question 1: How has the internet affected your life so far?

a) personally [+ve, -ve ?]
b) professionally [+ve, -ve ?]

Question 2: How do you think the internet will affect you in the next 12 months?

a) personally [+ve, -ve ?]
b) professionally [+ve, -ve ?]

Question 3: In the last fortnight, can you think of some examples when you used the internet?

[to find our what is happening at SCU – email]
[to exchange information with colleagues – mailing list]
[interact with students – MySCU, discussion board, chat]
[find information about something]

Question 4: What have you DONE in the last fortnight that is related to either the internet or to online course delivery?

[become familiar with a new software package]
[ conversations]
[actually created something for online use (elaborate, time spent)]

Question 5: In the last fortnight, what did you do, related to the internet or online unit delivery, that you would view as an accomplishment?

Question 6: Have you experienced any compute difficulties in the last fortnight?

Question 7: In an ideal world, related to the internet or online unit delivery, what would you like to see happen at Southern Cross University?

Question 8: In the real world, what would be of most help to you at the present moment?

Question 9: What is your general opinion about the role of online materials in

a) your units
b) in general?

Question 10: Is there anything else you would like to add, or to comment on?