The following tables provide a week by week chronology of activities related to the VRF research project.

Jan. 15 Mon Obtain electronic file of SCU ethics forms from Russell.
. . Print ethics forms from Education Office - problem with formatting.
. . Try printing from laptop - need client software. [Jan 24]
Jan 16 Tue Mtg c Sharon re. reimbursement - she requires receipts for Phyllis' ticket
Jan 17 Wed Receipts from Lethbridge have been mailed
Jan 18 Thu Mtg c Allan re. ADSL @ home. - Not yet available in Lismore
. . Complete draft filling in of SCU ethics forms
. . Create draft of Consent Letter for ethics procedures
. . Email request copies of Internet Questionnaire from Kelley [Jan 29]
Jan 19 Fri Borrow digital video camera from Toni in SaWD - to test capability for images
Jan 20 Sat Install PictureGear software on laptop - necessary for viewing images
. . Test taking of still images with video: ok but poor res on zoom
Jan 21 Sun Mtg c Keith to review ethics form, consent letter & composition of VRF Advisory Comm.

Jan 22 Mon Obtain paper copies of ethics forms from John Russell’s office
. . Complete revisions to consent letter
. . Complete revisions to SCU ethics form
. . Email Easton re. internet efficacy instrument
Jan 24 Wed Easton gives permission to use instrument
. . Obtain client software for printing - I am now able to print from my office
. . Receive copy of internet efficacy instrument from Easton
. . Ask for permission to use internet efficacy instrument
Jan 25 Thu Create VRF web site
. . Begin creating annotations for VRF references for use on web site
Jan 26 Fri Attend Blackboard workshop

Jan 29 Mon Receive copy of internet efficacy instrument from Lethbridge
. . Clarify steps for using video camera to create a video file
. . Discussion of Blackboard workshop c Shelley & Sue
Jan 30 Tue Create a VRF web site (using Fusion) - place original proposal on this web site.
. . Print article on internet efficacy by Eastin & LaRose (online)
. . Obtain copy of Bandura book on self-efficacy from library
. . Email Ali re. cvf questionnaire
. . Email Dr. Barath re. cvf questionnaire
Jan 31 Wed Create first draft of internet efficacy questionnaire
Feb 1 Thu Reply from Ali - cvf questionnaire will arrive soon - great
Feb 2 Fri Detailed reading of Bandura article on self-efficacy

Feb 6 Tue cvf questionnaire & report arrive from Lethbridge
. . create second draft of internet efficacy questionnaire
Feb 8 Thu Meeting c Teaching & Learning
Feb 9 Fri Meeting c Sue to discuss 'active' Schools

Feb 13 Tue Hard disk crash!
Feb 14 Wed Presentation on VRF project to School of Education
. . Meeting with School of Commerce & Management
Feb 15 Thu Meeting #1 of VRF Advisory Committee

Mar 28 Wed New hard drive installed and Office 2000 is now operational - it has taken 5 weeks of very hard work to go through the steps of verifying that the drive was no longer operational and that no files could be recovered, to obtaining a new drive from DELL, installing it, being unable to install Windows 2000 and finally having a DELL technician arrive and get it working. Most software still needs to be re-installed and many data files have been lost, since the last backup was performed on Feb. 4.
. . Video equipment compatable with firewire technology has been ordered from Lethbridge
. . During this time the SCU ethics procedures were completed and I received an email indicating that the proposal could go ahead (and I would receive an official letter to this effect some time after the Committee had met).
. . Presentations were made to a total of 6 Schools, and email messages are about to be sent to the other 8 schools inviting their staff participation in the questionnaires. Both Education and SaWD have received 2 additional follow-up reminders, as well as timely reminders from both Keith and Allan.
. . The interview script has been finalized and one subject has been interviewed
. . There have been two additional meetings of the VRF Advisory Committee.
Mar 29 Thu Check Education equipment for compatibility with audio microcassettes - OK
. . Review Excel files for responses to questionnaires - OK
. . Recreate web site for VRFAC minutes
. . Much of my software was reinstalled and updated (Windows 2000, Office 2000, Internet Explorer 5.0, ICQ, Windows Media Player 7, Real Player 8, Eudora 5 & Dreamweaver 4).
. . I began using Eudora for email for the first time - I am having difficulty locating the files on my Lethbridge mail server.
Mar 30 Fri I prepare a Word file for the Interview script.
. . Interviewed one subject.

Apr 2 Mon Begin a Journal using Adobe GoLive
. . Obtain names of Heads of Schools for email messages
. . Initiate process of hiring someone to transcribe the audio tapes of interviews
Apr 3 Tue Guest lecture on Information Literacy to Robert Smith's class & 2 tutorials
Apr 5 Thu 4 hours of tutorials for Robert Smith
. . A fair amount of time was spent with Eudora - still difficulties with the files
Apr 6 Fri Discuss low questionnaire response rate with Keith

Apr 10 Tue Discuss low questionnaire response rate with Allan
Apr 11 Wed Email messages sent to 8 Heads of Schools inviting their participation
. . Discuss interview process with Sue
Apr 12 Thu Re-create web site for VRF Final Report using Adobe GoLive
Apr 13 Fri Create a web site for the Web Research

Apr 17 Tue Set up interview schedule for Sue and myself
. . VRFAC meeting
. . VRFAC web site updated
Apr 18 Wed Work on VRF Final Report web site
Transcriber hired to type interviews
. . Purchase additional microcassettes for interviewing
Apr 19 Thu Video peripherals arrive from Lethbridge
. . Install Fusion 5.0 and Inspiration
. . Install firewire PC card
. . Transfer old VRF Fusion files from zip disk to hard drive
Apr 20 Fri Create a web site for article Reviews
Apr 21 Sat Recreate Inspiration diagram for VRF Final Report
. . Add 2 reports to article Reviews web site
Apr 22 Sun Add 3 reports to article Reviews web site

Apr 23 Mon Add 2 reports to article Reviews web site
Apr 24 Tue Add 2 reports to article Reviews web site
Apr 25 Wed Create this Chronology web page
. . Connect and test iBOT video camera with firewire hub - ok
Apr 26 Thu Add 2 reports to article Reviews web site
Apr 27 Fri Add 2 reports to article Reviews web site
. . Publish article Reviews site
. . Add links from VRFreport site to Reviews site
Apr 28 Sat Create a web site for Conducting Research
Apr 29 Sun Add 2 reports to article Reviews web site
. . Create outline for a 4-5 week workshop on web authoring

Apr 30 Mon Create cover letter for distribution of hard copy questionnaires
. . Duplicate questionnaires
. . Add 2 reports to article reviews web site
. . Receive official Ethics approval.
May 1 Tue Duplicate cover letter
. . Distribute hard copy questionnaires to Resource Science (N=25)
. . Distribute hard copy questionnaires to Humanities (N=20)
. . Discuss possible web authoring workshop with Keith
May 3 Thu Successfully format VST hard drive
. . Difficulty with the video editing software.
. . Conduct interview #3
May 4 Fri 10 more articles have been added to the reviews web site this week.
May 5 Sat Add section on cvf to final report.
May 6 Sun Add section on self-efficacy to final report

May 7 Mon Publish final report, article reviews web sites.
. . Download DirectX8.0a from Microsoft - now VideoStudio appears to work.
. . Successfully install CD-RW drive
. . Conduct interview #4
May 8 Tue Discuss Presentation with Keith
May 10 Thu Create & insert video file into Final report
. . Conduct interview #5
May 11 Fri Modify and publish VRF final report
. . Meet with Contemporary Art staff
. . Add causal flow diagrams to vrf final report

May 14 Mon publish Journal web site
. . review analysis for cvf - compare radar and box&whisker plots
May 15 Tue VRF Advisory Committee meeting
. . Download video from camera to laptop - success
May 16 Wed Begin analysis of cvf data
. . Edit video clip successfully
May 17 Thu Complete analysis of cvf data except for missing responses.
. . Submit 4 audio tapes to office for transcribing.
May 19 Sat Input data from one subject hard copy to online.
May 20 Sun Update this web site.

May 21 Mon Transfer information from hard copy questionnaires to online site
May 22 Tue Begin Excel analysis of questionnaire data
May 23 Wed Complete analysis of cvf data
May 24 Thu Add data to cvf file, reanalyze
. . Update references in VRF report
May 25 Fri Conduct vrf interview
. . Hand in tape cassette to SaWD for transcribing (total of 5)
. . Organize interview data from first 5 interviews into tables for sorting
. . Revise VRF final report
May 27 Sun Organize cvf data for analysis

May 28 Mon Publish updated VRF, journal files
May 29 Tue Submit proposal for Moving Online paper
May 30 Wed Prepare draft of Moving Online paper
May 31 Thu Create a CD (first one!)

June 4 Mon Make revisions to Moving Online paper
June 8 Thu Make revisions to Moving Online paper
June 9 Fri Make revisions to Moving Online paper
. . Test projector with laptop.
June 10 Sat Update VRF web sites

June 12 Tue Make revisions to Moving Online paper
. . Seminar presentation at 4 pm.