geocoin nosweat6060

Nosweat6060's Geocaching Activities




Geocache Activity 939
FIND 869


Tanks Medicine Hat!
N 50° 02.545 W 110° 40.520
  Difficulty 2; Terrain 1; size small; Creator: Sleepy_hollow Date First Hidden: 1/29/2006 Date Last Found: 10/13/2010
Medicine Hat
Description Tanks Medicine Hat is located on flat terrain in a small park in downtown Medicine Hat. The cache is a small round LnL container with only a logbook and a pencil. Enjoy the hunt and please be sure to carefully rehide the container.
Hint River side of the tank - corner away from the train - please rehide carefully - thanks!  


I followed the same plan as yesterday. This time I decided to try for a cache in the center of the city and then work my way around the downtown core.

I ended the trip with only 2 finds out of 2 searches. Basically the problem was a combination of a lack of planning and some difficult time with the first two searches. In both cases I overlooked the location on my first iteration and only found it after a very careful search on the second iteration of the possibilities. Then I got turned around in the downtown area and had difficulty locating the next two caches. By then the battery on my GPS was running low (I had an extra battery with me) and I had very little to show for it. The next cache turned out to be missing but I had failed to read the logs for that site and spent considerable time in some dense underbrush before I decided to check the description on my iPhone. Rats. Time to head home, earlier than I planned, but I knew today was simply not working. Total time about 6 hours: 4 hours driving to and from Medicine Hat and 2 hours searching for caches.


10:30 am. This was my first find of the morning. It was a lengthy process. After searching all of the possible hiding spots on the appropriate corner of the tank and not finding the container, I repeated the process. This time I was successful but I do not know how I missed it the first time.

Here is my posting to the website:

I missed it on my first cycle of the possibilities, but found it on the second cycle. Great place for a cache - lovely park. SL. TFTC.

Here are a few photos:

tank & CPR diesel locomotives

F3A unit (I think)

Sherman tank


I am now 1/1 for today.