Aug 5/2010 |
Geocache Activity 797 |
FIND 734 |
GC1H84J Down in the Valley N 50° 41.242 W 111° 31.291Difficulty 2; Terrain 3; size small; Creator: Liljohn1 Date First Hidden: 10/15/2008 Date Last Found: 5/22/2010 ruralDescription this is just south of DPP might be a bit of a hike depending on the weather stay on the main trail after turning off of Highway. might want to park at if it is too wet to drive down the hill N 50 45.175 W 111 31.615 and walk depending on if it has rained Hint Comments
I created a set of 6 searches in two Provincial Parks. I then added another 8 searches for backup in the event that I finished searching for the first six and still had time on my hands. The goal was to add 2 more provincial parks to my total for Alberta. Eventually I will have searched in almost all of the parks in the province that have caches. This promises to be a full day, with lots of driving to and from the search areas.
3:05 PM. After finding the caches at the two provincial parks, I still had time for one more that was only a few kilometers away, but which would involve some down and up hiking. This was a really beautiful valley and I had no difficulty following a few animal trails to reach the bottom.
Here is my posting to the website:
A classic example of a place I would never have seen if it were not for geocaching. Thanks for placing this cache here. The container was full of water but the ziploc bag kept the log from being a soggy mess. The container should probably be replaced as the crack in the top lets in the water when it rains. Lovely views, both coming and going. TNLNSL. TFTC.
Here are a few photos:
looking down into the valley
view from half way down
cache is on the mudstone hillock
view from down in the valley
cache site
water logged container
I am now 7/7 for today and am ready to head home.