geocoin nosweat6060

Nosweat6060's Geocaching Activities




Geocache Activity 780
FIND 718


Crowsnest Walking Path Micro
N 49° 36.534 W 114° 25.880
  Difficulty 1.5; Terrain 1; size micro; Creator: PASSTRACKER Date First Hidden: 6/07/2010 Date Last Found: 7/27/2010
Crowsnest Pass
Description This cache is located along a section of the Crowsnest walking path, situated in the east end of Blairmore, beside the scenic Crowsnest River. It is located near the bridge crossing the Lyons Creek just south of were it meets the Crowsnest River. When you have found this cache, continue on your stroll west as there are several other caches along the way. You will need to bring a pencil of your own, the cache is too small to hold one. Have fun and enjoy the path!
Hint Magnetic, should be a very easy find!  


I created a set of 14 searches for the Crowsnest Pass. However by 1 PM I had visited them all. Two were occupied by muggles and I planned to try them again on the return trip. I used my iPhone to obtain the coordinates for one additional cache, which involved a good hike up a hill. It was 2 PM by the time I was back at the truck, so I headed home with two searches still in front of me. At this point I was 13/13. The final result for the day was 14/15.


9:55 am This was my 5th search of the morning and only 10 minutes from my previous search. I have now driven from Hillcrest to Blairmore. The magnetic key holder was at the base of the garbage bin.

Here is my posting to the website:

Surprisingly, this turned out to be a quick find. TNLNSL. TFTC.

Here are two photos:

approaching the cache area

magnetic key holder & GPS unit

I am now 5/5 for today.