geocoin nosweat6060

Nosweat6060's Geocaching Activities




Geocache Activity 739
FIND 680


Lethbridge Bottle Depots Rehab. Soc. North. CARL2
N 49° 43.233 W 112° 47.983
  Difficulty 1; Terrain 1; size small; Creator: Joci Date First Hidden: 6/09/2010 Date Last Found: 7/04/2010
Description It is a small black round container with pencil and a logbook and trading items in it. This one should be an easy one and it is on privat property but I have a permit for it, from the manager !!!!!! You are going to need some stealth with this one because it is on a busy area, but please place it back the same way you found it !!!!!! Thanx in advance !!! I thought we need some caches for the ones who like to recycle bottles and I sett this series up for it. These are on busy areas of town and not too bad to find them but you are going to need stealth to get them !!!.
Hint Behind.  


Today was devoted to geocaching. I set up an early morning route for 11 caches in north Lethbridge. I found 10 and was unable to look for the 11th because of muggles. I came home and worked out an afternoon route for 10 caches in south Lethbridge. This time I found 9 caches and was unable to look for the 10th because of muggles. I came home and then set out again in the early evening, this time looking for the two I missed earlier as well as 6 new caches in south Lethbridge. I found one of the earlier muggled caches and 5 new caches and missed one more due to muggles. My total number of finds for today was 25 out of 25 (muggles preventing a search don't count). This is almost twice as many as my previous record for a single day. I doubt I will try to beat this but one never knows ...


This was my 23rd search of the day, and the 4th on my early evening route. I had tried to look for this in the morning but there was a muggle sitting right in front of it. Evening and the place was deserted.

Here is my posting to the website:

We used to bring our bottles here before they set up a bottle depot on the west side. TNLNSL. TFTC.

Here are a few photos:

cache area in the evening

cache site (behind)

GeeCee with container

I am now 23/23 for today.